Thanks for composting! My parents had a compost pile going since I was 10 and now my husband and I do. We have 2 bins made for the purpose which makes it easier and looks better for the suburban landscape, but a homemade structure works fine. We have 2 so we fill one while the other cooks. It takes awhile, but once a pile is heated it will be ready to use in the garden annually. The trick is the balance of "green" and "brown" materials, and water. Its not difficult at all, though. Green includes grass clippings and yard stuff, and any vegetable scraps from the kitchen, including cooked, but no animal products at all (except eggshells, although they take along time to break down.) Brown is dry twigs, leaves in the fall and dead things that are dried up. Not sure which one coffee grounds fit into, but they can go on there, too. We put the filter and all since that paper is degradable. The pile needs to be mixed regularly. Ours are round so you spin them. They get too heavy for me, but a pitchfork on an open, pile even kids can help with. You should go to the library or invest in an inexpensive manual. One that will give you options and instructions. So glad to hear you're taking it on and teaching the kids. Your garbage can will fill slower! We have a lidded tupperware next to the sink that we fill as we go and carry it out as it fills. Thanks again!!!