Looking for Activities for Young Ones in Little Rock

Updated on March 10, 2008
A.T. asks from Little Rock, AR
4 answers

Hi Everyone,
I was a member of this site in Corpus Christi, TX. My family is moving to Little Rock and I am looking for fun things to do during the week for my two girls (toddler stuff). There were places in Corpus that would open their doors to the public ie:churches with play gyms, library time, craft stores, etc. Is there fun stuff in Little Rock around the same idea? Thanks for the help

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So What Happened?

Thanks to all who sent some great info on things to do. I am excited to figure out new activites my little ones love to do and will keep you all posted on new finds. Thanks again.
PS we are in the West Little Rock area

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answers from Little Rock on

I just moved here in June from Memphis and I found a playgroup (through this site). They meet on Wed. about 10am if you're interested, let me know. Also there is a playgroup on Fridays which I'd love to go to but we do gymnastics right now on Fri. But there is a church (Rockcreek Church) that has a great indoor playground and I believe are always open. Depending on where you live, we sometimes go to the Thompson Library on Rahling Rd. (West Little Rock). They have a good story time at 10:30 on Mondays. I believe Barnes and Noble has a storytime too. There's a place I haven't been to yet called The Wonder Place that I've heard is good and that's off of 430 at Rodney Parham. Good luck, and send me your email if you'd like to come on Wednesdays and I'll send it to the lady who has everyone's name down. They send out and email every Tuesday evening and each week someone different picks a place (usually free) to go.



answers from Little Rock on

Hi A., Welcome!! Little Rock has a lot of fun things and places to see. Some do cost and others do not. I have two kids too, a 4yr old boy and 9 month little girl. I work full time and do not get to take the kids around town very much because I have a so much to do at home on the weekend. One thing you could do real soon is take your girls to Wye Mountain..its about 30 minutes or so from West Little Rock. This is a great time for Spring Pictures, the Mt. is filled with daffodils. Its beautiful. Here is a link that you can get on that will give you lots of info
I am a police officer here so if there is any questions you have I will be happy to answer any one of them. Welcome again.




answers from St. Louis on

Well, hello A. and welcome to Little Rock..Usually there's a book in most stores here in Little Rock that have different activities listed for children with a lot of fun things to do...I hope you enjoy it here. What side of town do you live on? I live in west Little Rock. I don't have children your age but I do have friends that keep their little ones active with plenty. I did want you to know there are plenty of things going on for them to do...Good Luck.



answers from Little Rock on

The Wonder Place in Little Rock is great, but can be a little pricey. Here is the link to their website http://thewonderplace.com/. Also, Barnes and Noble has a pretty cute story time. I know the one in NLR is on Mondays at 10:30. They usually serve a little snack, read a book and let the kids color. The train set keeps my toddler occupied for awhile after storytime. If I think of anything else, I will let you know.

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