There is a unitarian/universalist church in Lafayette on Caria Dr., northwest of Centaur Village Dr. :)
Hi Moms! Both my husband and I were brought up strict Catholic and for various reasons and our own personal beliefs about religion/spirituality we no longer affiliate with the Catholic church. However, I miss the community, structure, and peacefulness that going to a service can bring. I also would like my daughter to learn about all types of religions so that she can choose as she matures what works for her if she wants to. I am looking for a spiritual community that is all inclusive and welcomes everyone regardless of their beliefs. Can you recommend a few places I could check out within in 20 mile radius of Lafayette?
There is a unitarian/universalist church in Lafayette on Caria Dr., northwest of Centaur Village Dr. :)
I am not sure there in Lafayette, but I am sure there are probably a few, just look up under qwest.com in your area for non denominational churches. I know in Broomfield there is a great church Victory church off of 120th and Sheridan, it is huge! :)
I actually go to a nice Methodist church here in Broomfield, I am not Methodist but I love they teach in a spiritual sense of what is going in the world today how to help others and enrich our own lives, not necessarily one specific religious way. I tried four others before we settled on UMCB and we love it. My kids love the programs they have that are broken up by age groups. First time I felt a connection somewhere.
Good luck, it took a few Sundays before we found the right fit so maybe look up what is in your area and try different ones and see what feels right.
Good luck and God Bless
I have attended Boulder Valley Christian Church on South Boulder Rd. in Boulder -- many families from Lafayette attend there -- they also host a MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) group there the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month -- they have rooms for the kids (age appropriate) and it is very welcoming.
Good luck!
I grew up in the Boulder area and attended the UU church in Boulder. As children get older they start learning about all religions in Sunday School. The congregation is made up of every religion from Catholics to Wiccan. Jews to Methodists. Anyhoo, it was great place to foster religious curiosity and ideologies. It is very welcoming too! There is a congregation in Lafayette, but I've never been. There are 2 in boulder and quite a few in denver. I've only been to the UU church in Boulder, Open Circle in Boulder, and 1st UU in Denver. All were great!
From the website:
Home > Visitors
Welcome to Unitarian Universalism!
Unitarian Universalism is a caring, open-minded religion that encourages you to seek your own spiritual path. Our Faith draws on many religious traditions, welcoming people with different beliefs. We are united by shared values, not by creed or dogma. Our congregations are places where people gather to nurture their spirits and put their faith into action by helping to make our communities—and the world—a better place.
Flatirons Community Church. It is located in Lafayette.
I have been looking for a church as well. I was raised Lutheran and my husband is Japanese. I went to Flatirons Community Church and was amazed of how welcomed I felt for the size of the community. They have Sat. night service and Sunday services too.
Hope this helps.
Hi T.,
Unity of Boulder is where we go and it's incredible. Everyone is welcome... and they have great stuff for the kids (there are tons of kids and they are in classrooms w/ kids their own age, or the nursery for babies). They also provide free childcare for all of their events and classes.
They have 2 services on Sundays, one @ 9 and ____@____.com got the 9:00 one... let me know if you decide to go and I'll introduce myself!
It's on Folsom and Valmont in Boulder.
Hope this helps,
I would try Shepherds Community Church on 95th & Paschal, Louisville just past South Boulder Road - ###-###-####
Here is their website http://www.louisvillechurch.com/
They meet in an SDA church because they don't have a building of there own. My family has been going there for just over a year and we love it. We are a very close family of believers. We would love for you to visit :o)
-In Christ
Hi T.!
We LOVE Calvary Bible Church in Boulder (Kalmia Ave.) www.calvarybible.com It is an Evangelical Free Church- the community is wonderful and it is just a great place to be!
If you have specific questions, please feel free to let me know!