Why not look for jobs first? What do you do? Where do you WANT to live? What do you like to do? Ski? Scenery? What?
Atlanta's a pretty nice place. Tired of the summer heat and humidity?
If you want space???? Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota?
In the oil business? Texas or North Dakota. North Dakota is FREAKING COLD in the winter...military lingo - why not Minot? Freezin' the reason...yeah..THAT cold. however, unemployment there is VERY LOW and the pay is good from what I understand.
What's your politics? If you are liberal? California is the place for you - however - there are pockets of Conservatives and such...remember - California is an ABSOLUTELY beautiful state with much to offer - however - it's bankrupt, going through a drought, and unemployment is HIGH....
The NorthEast is beautiful with Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and other New England states. can't tell you about living there - only visited the states!!
NorthWest is beautiful too. We have people from here who live there and love it. Seattle has a lot of opportunity from what I understand...Costco is Headquartered there.
MidAtlantic Region (DC, MD, VA, NC/SC) is nice. Summers are much like Atlanta..maybe NOT as humid...different job opportunities...
So it would help you would tell us what you are looking for, what you do, what you LIKE to do, do you want to be near family or escape family, do you want lots of sunshine or more rain?
Good luck!