That happened with my old digital camera. I tend to take lots of pics while going down the road either on a motorcycle or by car. By the time the shutter snapped I was too far down the road to get the pic I wanted.
I got a new Nikon Coolpix S60 right before Christmas to take to Japan for holiday. It takes the pic as soon as you push the button. It's awesome!!!! I just got my pics printed and you can tell by the date/time stamp that I took up to 10 pics in a one minute time frame!! AND that is adjusting the zoom in between. It's an awesome camera. Has a zoom that is like a 165 zoom on a 35mm camera. Also has the largest view screen on the market. Lens don't protrude from the camera, can write on the pic w/stylus that comes with it. Pricy but I feel is soooo worth it.