Looking for a GREAT Pre-K Program

Updated on May 09, 2007
N.D. asks from Mansfield, TX
9 answers

My son is 3 and he is going to a less than stellar day care. I feel like he is behind and not being taught some of those things a 3 year old should already know (i.e. recognizing letter, numbers, spelling his name, etc). I would be happy with something in the irving, grandprarie or arlington areas. Live in mansfield and am extremely anxious to being the move. thanks, concerned mom

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answers from Dallas on

Hi N.,

I live in Arlington, but I work in Irving. I have my kids at a school called, Children First Academy off of Northgate between Beltline and Esters. They are so awesome, I have a 2 y/o and an 8 1/2 mo/o and they have learned so much in thier short time there. We just moved them there about a month ago, and my 2 y/o already knows colors, animals, and can associate the alphabets with things (i.e...a=apple, b=ball, etc) my son
( who was the laziest ever..LOL...) is now crawling and pulling up to stand. they are so good with them, and the teachers are great with wonderful attitudes, as well as the staff. I recommend this place, b/c its like school, they go august to may ( like regular school ) do a summer camp type of thing june/july, then the next august they graduate to the next level. until they get to Kindergarten, its a elementary school across the street, so they transfer them once they get to that level (kindergarten) and still take them there and pick them up and bring them back to the daycare until youpick them up. I love it, so try them. Thier number is ###-###-#### and ask for Paches (pay-ches),she is very knowledgable and patient. I hope it all works out for you.


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answers from Dallas on

N., If you live in Mansfield then I *highly* recommend Walnut Creek Private School. It is a little higher than normal daycares, but is worth every penny of it. My daughter did wonderful there. I pulled her out because the drive was too much for me (I live in Arlington and work in Grand Prairie) But she is going back for Pre-K after the summer. I have toured and tryed many different schools and none come close to this one. It is a loving enviroment in which the cildren learn so much!! Haylee can write her name as well as everyone else's in the immediate family, she was 3 1/2 when she was able to do that. Check it out the have a website also, google Walnut Creek Private School.



answers from Dallas on

I have a degree in child development and have been the director of a preschool program. Trust me a normal 3 year old should not be recognizing his letters, etc. He should recognize his name when written on something, but not be able to write it himself. It is possible for it to be learned, but you should not worry too much if he is not. If he is worked with on a daily basis and around others learning the same he has the potential of doing it. Pre-K, ages 4 & 5, are where most schools begin this lesson. Depending on your financial abilities there are several different options for you in that area. I know in Mansfield there is a great Children's Courtyard and they are located all over the metroplex. Church sponsored child care tends to focus on curriculum a great deal. You want to ask to see a sample of their Pre-K curriculum. You can place a call to Camp Fire USA, Ft. Worth office is off of Meachum. They have a list of centers they can recommend to you that have completed training thru them that goes above and beyond the average. They are great.



answers from Dallas on

The Primrose school is great.

Normal age to recognize letters, numbers, and spelling his name is 4. So I wouldnt worry much about it.



answers from Dallas on


We live in Mansfield and my 2YO is about to finish is first year at pre-school this year. We have him at First Faith Pre-Shcool at the First United Methodist Church on Walnut Creek across from Super Wal-Mart. I have been more than pleased with the teachers, staff, and curriculum there. My son thoroughly enjoys his time there and is so excited to go to school. He was not talking when he started in August 2006 and has picked up so much there. He only goes 2 days a week, but they have different choices on attendance and are very reasonable. They go to music, stretch and grow, chapel, computers, spanish and sign language at different times every week or every other week. They can highly recommended by serveral neighbors and my pedi. They go from 9-2:30.

Good Luck.



answers from Dallas on

We sent our daughter to Primer School on Orange and Division. LOVE their program and she went into K more advanced than others in her class.




answers from Dallas on

My son just started at Country Day School of Arlington. When we went for our tour, all of the teachers made a point to say hello and involved my son in whatever activities the class was doing at the time. They have low teacher:student ratios and are very caring.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

My daughter goes to Alpha-Omega Private Preschool in Arlington. It is on Little Rd pretty close to Arkansas. I love it. It is a Christian school, they teach bible as well as basics. If you want an environment that is loving, but structured this is it. They believe in letting kids advance at their own levels but they get alot of different activites too. It is $135/wk, and you may have to wait a month or so for a slot to open but it is worth it. They are awesome.



answers from Dallas on

Hi, I had my 2 youngest in Primrose (www.primroseschools.com) in Mansfield, at the corner of Country Club and Matlock, right behind the convenience store, and they are absolutely great! My now 5 yr. old was in the 1 yr. old program, and he knew most of his colors and shapes, and even recognized some letters while he was in there. He also was learning manners, he would push his chair back in when he got up, etc. My 2 yr. old was in the 2 yr. old program until just 2 weeks ago. He know his colors, letters, shapes, letter sounds, can count to over 25, as well as the manners. They were also potty training him. I took him out because I have begun homeschooling my kids, and I wanted him home full-time with us. I had a similarly good experience with Primrose in Rockwall with my now 11 yr. old. He was in their 3 yr. old program. Hope this helps!


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