Looking for a GREAT GP in SE Houston near Pearland & Friendswood.

Updated on October 20, 2008
S.A. asks from Houston, TX
9 answers

Greetings!! My doc has temporarily retired to raise a family and now I am looking for the next best General Practitioner in the area. I prefer a female doc, but anyone that is top-notch will work for me. I want someone I can clearly understand and they need to be very comfortable with people. No distant cocky docs for me!! My doc needs to be on top of their game in realiability, but also have a genuine concern for my health and well-being. If you know of a doc in this area that fits the bill, please share the wealth and pass their name on to me. Thank you in advance for your priceless help!!

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answers from Houston on

Erin Kennedy is awesome! She has great times available and takes her time. She has seen my hubby and both my kids. She sat in there with us and just talked to us without making us feel rushed. She took her time with my hubby and I to discover that he had in fact either re-developed asthma or that is had never gone away. (He had it as a kid) In my book, she is highly recommended.

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answers from Houston on

I am disabled due to a bleeding brain aneurism in '99. I'm very hard on doctors because I've had a few almost let me die. Dr. Sharron Wallace on Vista in Pasadena has been wonderful over the past 5 years. She's had the same great staff for years and that says something. She listens & remembers everything. They do blood work there and she does paps. I don't know what I'd do without her and her staff.

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answers from Houston on

I go to Doctor Cherise Conley-Harvey in Clear LAke at Kelsey Sebold. The number is ###-###-####



answers from Houston on

Dr Janice Teer at the Clear Creek Clinic in League City to me is very good. She will talk to you where you can understand not talk like you graduated with the same degree as she has. She is very friendly and the first time I went to her was very impressed. She was looking at my file and I said to her, you know all about me, tell me a little about yourself. She then told me where she grew up, where she went to college, where she did her internshp and answered all the questions I had for her about herself. The clinic is located at 302 Hwy 3 South. ###-###-#### is the phone number.




answers from Houston on

I see Dr. Lacresha Peters, she is at Kesley Seybold Silverlake. Their number is ###-###-####. She is very nice, soft spoken and does not hurry to get you out the door. She also explains things to me very well and doesn't give a prescription for just anything.



answers from Houston on

Dr. Mary Cross on Broadway in Pearland is great!! She's very down to earth, not afraid to spend a few minutes just chatting with you (I hate the docs that run in, look at you, and leave!). She's at 3203 E. Broadway in Pearland. Her number is ###-###-####.



answers from Houston on

I haven't found a replacement GP yet, but do not go to Dr. Orsak. He says he specializes in depression issues, so the first thing he does is put you on antidepressants. He does not listen to your concerns and twice over the years that I had been going to him, he sent me home and I ended up in the emergency room where they told me I should have gone sooner.
Im going to check into some of the other docotors suggested.



answers from Houston on

I have heard good things about Kirkwood, and Cross. Caution: there are 2 Kirkwoods (brothers) and not the same. go for R kirkwood. He is a DO I think.
Have worked with cross before and liked her alot.



answers from Houston on

Try Ron Kirkwood. He's located real close to Beltway 8 and Fairmont Pkwy. Not exactly close but a great doctor. Good luck on cleaning up your diet this year. Try going to : sugarsandflours.com for a great new lifestyle for your family. I really love it and it has changed my life entirely.

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