HI : >) been in your shoes for 17yrs & homeschooling for 10yrs. find a 4-H club. they are in the cities : >). there is a clover kid group for 5-8yrs and full 4-h 9-18yrs. It's not just about farm animals possible projects off the top of my head-steer, swine, market goat, dairy goat, sheep, dog, cat, rabbit, poultry, cavie-guinea pig, pocket pets- reptile, hamster, gerbil, house birds, photography, sewing, crochet, knitting, gardening, cooking, quilting, leather work, automotive... if there is a volunteer leader there can be a project (it's not hard at all to become a volunteer with any knowledge about the project you're good to go).at the end of the 4-h year there's an expo where you get to display your projects and there's a judging you can also enter county and state fairs through 4-H. you get to know parents that are local. you get to do community service through your club which is great for the kids. our club is excited because it's almost time to serve Thanksgiving & Christmas dinner at the Mayer Senior Center along with the Fire dept. We make cards for the seniors and our meals on wheels, trick or treat so others can eat collect food for our local food bank & meals on wheels. find your county extension office they are in charge of the 4-H/FFA clubs for your county. the families involved in 4-h/ffa consider it a family event/bonding.
4hmall.com the projects have workbooks so you'll get a more complete list of projects.
hope this helps.
K :>)