I have low libido as well...before kids and after kids, on birth control and off, and all through my 30's. I've explained the situation to my husband, and he kind of understands, but also thinks that it's him. And it's totally not. I just have no desire at all, and could give or take it. I have asked my GYN about it, and his advice was that I need to reduce the stress in my life, stop going a mile a minute, and as life calms down, sex will happen. Our culture has us exhausted at the end of the day, and who wants to do anything but sleep at that point. He also explained that there is no real treatment either, other than possibly estrogens, and that has a whole other set of side effects. I have found though that my best treatment is psychological. If I 'prep' myself, and start thinking about it during the day, that I can sometimes get myself in the mood for later. But if later also means a difficult night with the kids, or other stress, the mood is gone. Sometimes, at my husband's initiation, I've just gone with it, and though it takes a bit, I come around and enjoy it.
Despite my lack of sex drive, and not seeing it as a direct problem for myself, I do see it as a problem in our marriage. When we're intimate, it does put us in a better mood the next day, and we feel closer as a couple. On a long drought, I can tell we drift apart and are more cranky with each other. But it's very difficult to get in the mood. Many friends of ours with great marriages have very active sex lives. And I'm sure that plays a large part. But honestly, with my libido, I can't even begin to wrap my head around having sex multiple times a week, and am lucky with a once or twice a month.