Why do Japanese people send their children to regular school and Japanese school here? What things do they learn in Japanese school. Do they advance that much more than the children who are in regular school? I don't know what they teach them in Japanese school. Just curious and would appreciate it if anyone knows. Thanks
Thanks so much everyone....I was just curious and now I have a better understanding of what happens and why in Japanese school! I can certainly see why the need to attend!
LOTS of parents do that here as well... there are MANY different ethnicities and Asians here in Hawaii.
Japanese school, is language and for teaching culture.
It is VERY common here.
I myself went to Japanese school as a child.
It is very beneficial.
Learning other languages, does help... overall, for a child.
And learning other cultures.... so that their world views and understanding of different cultures, is more advanced and aware.
I always thought they learned Japanese culture and the language. Maybe even the history.
Culture and language. The best to learn language is you speak and in the enviroment everyday.
Also, there are lots of expat in Torrance. They may relocate to work back to Japan after few years. But, when you go back to Japan, you have to know Japanese. Lots of japanese school will try to help to ensure your kids with certain grade of japanese speaking and knowing ability.