Enjoy living overseas! It was a great experience for us. I do have a few suggestions.
1. Read the book Crossing Cultures. It's got great advice for the move overseas, as well as the challenges when you come back home. You should be able to get it on Amazon for under $10.
2. Get a SKYPE acct. It's a great communication tool. You can even get a US number for friends to call you at anytime.
3. Check the web for an expat womans group, as well as international schools. I realize your child is too young for school, but they are a great community to get involved with, as well as a super resource. Websites, might also have tips for moving to the area - what things cost, where to get them, etc.
4. If you are a reader, check out a Kindle - you wouldn't have to waist your container space on books. We stocked up on DVD's but my kids were older and it was always great to have the movie library.
5. Look into an English speaking church. We found a great nondenominational Protestant one that was another great connection.
6. Keep a journal. You're going to have a lot of experiences that you won't want to forget. Also keep a camera handy.
I think you'll find the expat community very welcoming - they've all been thru the same thing, and can help you along.
Good Luck!!!