Try home daycare providers in your neghborhood or care providers close to the school who can transport your child there. Also talk to some of the other moms at the school or the teacher they may know something. Good Luck!
If you work and your child has afternoon kindergarten or a later start time how do you get them there? For me it is only 2 days per week that I need help, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I have called every child care center in the area and no one goes to that school or at that time. At the school, before school care is only available until regular school starts at 8:45a. The class starts at 11:10. There is no morning class to try to switch into. My mom lives too far away to help out on an ongoing basis. So if anyone has something I haven't thought of. Or if anyone knows of a place specifically in corona/norco area please let me know. Thanks!
Try home daycare providers in your neghborhood or care providers close to the school who can transport your child there. Also talk to some of the other moms at the school or the teacher they may know something. Good Luck!
Maybe, try to get babysitter to cover the hours... try care.com.
Try asking one of the moms at the school. That's what we do.
I would talk to his teacher and see if she has any ideas, and then talk to the other moms with kids in his class, and see if they can carpool him with their kids. Where is he being cared for up to class time? Is there a bus that can pick him up in time for school? My son is in afternoon pre-k and the school bus picks him up at home every day at 11:30 for his 12:20 start time class - he is only 3.5 years old and does fine on the bus.
I am really surprised the school doesn't offer morning care until 11:10. All the schools in Irvine where I live do. Strange.
Anyway, I would start by making friends with another mom in the class and seeing if you can drop your son with her twice a week. In exchange, offer to take hers after school a couple of times a week. Otherwise, offer to pay her for the time. I'm sure there are other moms out there in your situation who might be willing to trade some babysitting days.
If that fails, you will probably have to hire a nanny. A college student or a stay at home mom looking to make a little extra cash would be a good option, since the hours you need are so limited.
Ask the teacher what other moms have done. I'm sure this must come up every year.
Who watches your child in the mornings? That person can't/won't take your child?
In my area there is a car service for kids. It's called A Car for Kids. Google and see if there is one in your area. They are insured for transporting kids and that's just what they do - to and from school; to and from activities, etc.
Other than that, I have no other suggestions.
What I ended up doing was finding a day care within walking distance of a school and transferring my son to that school. It turned out to be a great situation. I dropped him off and picked him up at the daycare. The daycare took care of making sure he got to and from school safely. He is at a different school this year and the transition was no problem.