Lasik Eye Surgery Recommendations

Updated on October 29, 2010
S.S. asks from Chicago, IL
8 answers

I am planing on having lasik eye surgery after the new year. I have heard good things about Kraff Institute and Lasik Plus. Do you have any other recommendations? Or if you went to either of these places, can you tell me about your experiences? Cost? Thanks in advance.

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answers from Chicago on

My husband had his done by Chicago Cornea Consultants. Randy Epstein was the Dr. He has been interviewed by the news channels many times. There has not been any complications or problems and vision is perfect. It was a few thousand, I think.

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answers from St. Louis on

My sis had it done in St. Louis a couple of years ago and it cost her a lot too. She doesn't recommend it either. Her eyes have gotten worse so she has to wear her glasses/contacts now since she doesn't not want to have the lasik done again.



answers from Springfield on

A co-worker and I went both went to Lasik Plus in STL and we would highly recommed them. My eyes are better than 20/20.



answers from Chicago on

Several of my family members had Lasik done at Kraff including myself. It has been wonderful for all of us. We all had very positive experiences at the office. My dad had to wear reading glasses after the surgery, which is typically inevitable from 40 yrs up. Hope this helps! I would be happy to answer any questions if there is more you would like to know.

Good luck!



answers from Chicago on


Both my husband and I have had our eyes done at Lasik Plus. Dr. Horn did our surgeries. I would not trust any other Doctor to do my eyes. They are very professional and do a great job even on follow ups.

Having said that, we both did the "unlimited" enhancements plan. I even went back for a second enhancement, which went very well.

Since, my husband has had to go back to have his eyes looked at. What we have found out is, this only applies to that "type of procedure." What I would recommend is that, when you book your appt for the evaluation, ask them, as procedures improve, are unlimited enhancements included as newer technology comes along?"

I feel we put out significant monies, but now that technology has changed, they are not able to fix his issue. He is not back into contacts.

I would still go with Lasik Plus, but ask the question!

Best of luck to you!.




answers from Chicago on

I as well as 23 others at my company have gone to TLC ###-###-####) in West Chester, IL. Dr. Probst was practicing in Canada well before the surgery came to the States. I had mine done just over 9 years ago and still to this day have better than 20/20 vision. You just have to find a doctor who will recommend TLC (I believe they all get kickbacks somehow). My doctor initially didn't have a "connection" with TLC, but when I told him that I've already reseached and want to go there, he looked into it, got certified and then sent me off to TLC. He said I was the first patient that went there and he was amazed at how well I healed. He said if I didn't tell him I had the surgery, he wouldn't have known - as there was no scar tissue at all. Since he's now been connected with TLC, he referrs all his patients to there (and no longer Kraft).

I say, where ever you decide, just make sure you go to a reputable place. There are places that charge a fraction of the cost as the bigger companies, but according to my doctor, those companies use the same razor over and over again and unfortunately for those patients, scar tissue is left behind.

I am sure Kraft and any other big company doesn't reuse razors and last I heard, TLC no longer uses razors at all. It's more or less about the latest technology (as the machine is the one that does all the work).

For me 9 years ago, it cost $3,900.00 for both eyes. I had a stigmatism and was given the option of leaving one eye slightly off so that my chances of requiring reading glasses as I age reduces and I took that option. So for now, if I close one eye, everything is slightly blurry where as the other eye is perfect. I still have better vision than 20/20 and haven't regretted the decision at all.

Good luck.


answers from Chicago on

I would highly recommend Epstein or Kraff.

I used to work with ophthalmologists and they are both top notch. I would also recommend a practice that does more than just Lasik because they will be able to take care of any and all problems that come up, or other issues that a surgical specialized may not catch, or ignore.



answers from Chicago on

My husband had it done 2 days ago at Lasik Plus in Oakbrook with Dr. Gerald Horn. We had had a lot of recommendations for him. Many people we've talked to now have better than 20-20 vision (20-15, 20-12) after having lasik when they previously couldn't see clearly at all without their glasses and had had glasses since childhood. The cost was $3515 total including all appointments and lifetime guarentee with the current discounts. My husband said he could see more defined than he did wearing his glasses. At the follow-up appointment day after lasik, his vision was already tested 20-20. Eyes are still a bit dry but generally real comfortable, and lights look a little cloudy at night as it is still healing so far. The day of the surgery, one eye especially just really felt like he had an eyelash stuck in it. His next follow-up appointment is in a few weeks, so we'll see what his vision is tested to be then when all is healed in there. The actual process went very fast since we made the consultation appointment last week, consultation was Tuesday and lasik was Thursday. Couple hours in the office each for the consultation and day of lasik.
Should add too that friends who had it done years ago, it's still effective for them. Eyes are SUPPOSED to change only as they would naturally with age.

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