Hi P.,
Several years ago my now ex-husband meet an amazing woman named Jane Fendelman. He brought home her book "Raising Humane Beings" and several of her cds. They transformed my relationship to being a parent and the way we raise our son. When my husband and I divorced we saw her for several sessions and I can tell you that the sessions were powerful! My ex and I are now best friends - we went from a very mean and nasty divorce to a very friendly and cooperative divorce. And the advice and suggestions she gave us to help our son through the experience I believe saved him from much undue trauma and pain. I have been to many family counselors (starting with my own parents divorce, all the way through my own marriage)and none of them helped like she did.
I highly recommend that you at the very least get her book, and check out her website, she has some very useful stuff on there.
I know that she is now practicing part time in New York and has brought on a partner here in the valley, but I'm sure her partner is just as good as she is.
I hope this helps and good luck!
V. R.