The shopper saver coupon packs that come in the mail with deals on exams and glasses. We go to sears mostly at Woodfield. But all stores give a cheaper price when you pay cash.
Hi - I went to register my son for Kindergarten today and was told he must have an eye exam in order to register. I'm fine with this, howver we don't have vision insurance so I'll be paying out of pocket. Do you have a recommendation of where I could obtain an eye exam for kindergarten. It can be an optometrist or opthamologist and I'm assuming the optometrist may be cheaper? Thanks for the advice! :)
The shopper saver coupon packs that come in the mail with deals on exams and glasses. We go to sears mostly at Woodfield. But all stores give a cheaper price when you pay cash.
I didn't have vision insurance and our medical Bc/Bs insur picked up the cost because we went to an opthamologist. Check your med benefits--I was totally surprised.
Most Targets and Walmarts have eye docs at their stores and I think it's only $75 to get one done without insurance.
I'd recommend The Eye Boutique in Naperville (75th & Naper Blvd - not sure if that's too far for you)!
Dr. Lisa Spevacek is so sweet and very friendly =) Also, I believe it was $49 for the exam in the summer of 2010 when I took my daughter!
Does it have to be done by an eye doctor? My daughter's pediatrician did one at her 4 year check up.
all local eye glass stores do them pretty cheap. 20/20, visioncenter, walamart, sears whatever is by you
We did visionworks. we were happy with them and its $42 for the exam without insurance.
our local health dept does it for free.. make a couple of phone calls and see if yours will do it..
also my ped does the eye exam as part of the 5 year physical.. it is not a great eye exam..
I would go to a real eye dr.. you would hate for your child to not be able to see the board in school..
Depends on where you go, but you can usually go to a good eye Dr and the exam is about $40-$60 without insurance in this area.
Hey, we took all 3 of our boys to America's Best and we were happy with them. I would check them out if you have one near you. Good Luck!
I did my daughter's exam at Costco and it was $49.
I'd call your Primary Care Provider's office and ask them if your son's doctor performs complete eye examinations. If so, you can just go there.
Otherwise, I'd do Wal-Mart, which is where I got my eye exams done when I was in college and had no insurance.
ours dont' have to be done at an eye dr. They do them at the ped office when they get a check up.
Unless you see your child having issues like sqinting. Headaches,or has a medical condition like diabetes, thyroid or chronic facial pain call around to walmart, sams, target, visionworks, americas best eyewear. Most have school exam specials of 45.00 or less. Check on glasses ranges when you call just in case so you go to the best price place in case they put the child in glasses. Make sure to have the school required form with you and fill in your portiin before you go to the appointment.
You pedi probably does a basic eye test. Ask there first. If not, just go to a reputable eye Dr (you will need a good one at some point anyway) and pay the cash price for the exam.
We don't carry vision insurance and a basic yearly exam for cash paying patient is pretty cheap....right around $100.
That way, you also have a base test for your kiddo and be comfortable knowing all is ok!
If you have costo go there, pretty friendly and quick, they dont insurance anyways and is meanty to be like that.
I would honestly call the district office and tell them that you don't have insurance and need to know how to get a free eye exam, they usually have a list of places that do it free or reduced cost. If not, call around to everyone in the phone book and see what they charge if you have no insurance. That is the ONLY way to really know which is cheapest.