Keeping Hair from Looking Greasy

Updated on February 05, 2011
K.C. asks from Albany, CA
18 answers

I think this is the weirdest question, but I really don't know how to search for the answers online....

I am trying to figure out how to keep my hair from looking greasy on a day when I have not taken a shower. With 3 kids, sometimes I just don't have the time. Honestly, some days I wake up and I look great, and I don't want to take a shower. I'm not dirty, and I can splash my face with some water if I need to. Sometimes I wake up and even my hair looks really cute. How do I get it to stay like that? By the end of the day I look horrible. My hair looks greasy and flat, and I look like a mess.

I have seen some of those shower-less, dry hair shampoos. Has anyone ever tried them? Are they practical and do they work?

Or any other suggestions?

Some of these helpful responses mention Over-shampooing being the culprit of my oily hair.... That leads me to wonder if using the dry shampoo would or would not help with this. If I only wash my hair every few days or so, and in between use the dry stuff, will my scalp over time still readjust and slow down on the oil?

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answers from Washington DC on

I sometimes shake some baby powder on my head, then shake it off, usually in the tub or outside to avoid a mess. Works well and much cheaper than any commercial dry shampoo. I have light colored hair which helps too in case I don't quite get it all...

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answers from Washington DC on

Dry shampoo changed my life. Really. I decided to regrow my hair after chopping it all after my first born, and the prenatal vitamins with my second pregnancy helped that along tremendously. But with a toddler and newborn, washing and blow-drying my hair (a must) was out of the question every day. I also had fallen into the wash-every-day routine, which forced me to wash everyday for the same reasons you mentioned. I used the dry shampoo for a couple of months (maybe) in between washings, sometimes for two days, and then I quickly found that my hair did adjust. I am an every-other-day washer now, and I will use the dry shampoo now only if I need to stretch it longer, but rarely do I need it. Try it! I bought an expensive can of it, too, and thought it worked great. Good luck!

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answers from New York on

Johnson & Johnson Pure Cornstarch Baby Powder. Sprinkle some on a comb or brush and gently brush through hair from the root down.

Another solution is to pull your hair back and only wash your Part Line. Put a little shampoo (I stress using only a little) only on your part line, rub in, and rinse.

I used to go to a salon here that only specialized in long hair. They give you this packet on how to treat your long hair and they definitely do not encourage washing every day.

I find that washing my part works great and it only takes a couple of minutes.

The powder trick is useful sometimes just don't overdo it on the powder. You'll look like you have gray hair.

The real trick is not to touch your hair with your fingers too much and to also use a boar bristle brush.

I hope this helps.


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answers from Dallas on

I've had great success with dry shampoos and even just a little baby powder. I really like Bumble and Bumble hair powders because they are made to match different hair shades.

As a side note, if you stop washing your hair as often, after a few months of having the greasy in between day, your scalp will adjust its overall sebum production and your hair will be less oily in between.

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answers from Victoria on

the water less shampoo does work and are often used for people with disabilities, etc where taking a full on shower or bath daily is very time consuming. they work great. In the olden days, where people often went weeks without bathing, people used cornstarch. You brush cornstarch in your hair and the starch soaks up the oil & then you brush the oily cornstarch out & done. I have dopne cornstarch when I was a kid & we were camping, but it seemed to take longer than a shower would & was messy. Technically your not supposed to wash your hair everyday cause it strips the oil off & that is why your producing so much, your body is adapting to the frequent washes. Once you stop shampooing everyday, you will notice you can go longer than a day before your hair looks greasy. Your hair will begin to be healthy & more managable as well.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

People seem to like the classic Pssst dry shampoo-give it a try.

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answers from Atlanta on

Dry shampoo, Bumble and Bumble hair powder (comes plain or in colors), and when you do shower wash it, only put conditioner on the hair from the neck down - never on your scalp. Conditioner is a real contributor to scalp residue. Brush it as little as possible and only brush the bottom.

Also, buy some cute hats! Some days I just throw on a baseball cap with a ponytail through the hole in back. Beanies are super cute in winter with your long hair hanging straight down or in a behind-one-ear side ponytail and then you drape the ponytail forward over your shoulder onto your chest. If it's cold where you are, a beanie with ear flaps and long tassels is so fun.

A Kangol hat is a sharp look any season. In the spring and fall a Cloche looks adorable! A Cloche is perfect with your hair in a very low side bun behind one ear. A lot of women are wearing Maus and Newsboys, but those aren't my favorite - just a style preference. I would love to rock a Fedora but I would need a little more courage for that. I tend to think they look best on skinny chicks and it's more of a night-time look in my opinion. College girls can wear a Fedora during the day, but I would only wear one if I were going out. Since I have three kids that's rare.

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answers from Miami on

I use dry shampoo every 2nd day. It works really well for me. :-)

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answers from Detroit on

Baby powder always works for me:)

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answers from Washington DC on

Thanks for asking this question...I have the same problem. I have to say, I have tried the "not-shampooing as much" method and it just doesn't work if your hair is fine and oily like mine. If I don't wash my hair every day, you can see the oil in the very fine wispy hairs around my face. Sometimes even by the end of the day on a day that I've washed my hair it gets oily. Yuk. Anyway, don't have any advice, just wanted to say "thanks" for posting because I am going to try the dry shampoos too.




answers from Phoenix on

My 11yr daughter has this problem. I thought is was because she wasn't washing her hair right so every night (we take showers every night, I know its not good) I take lots of shampoo and part her hair in sections and scrub her scalp.It helps but then by the end of the day it is REALLY greasy. I heard it helps if you use epsom salt so thats the next thing I am going to try. Question does baby powder clump in your hair? would like to know.. Good luck.


answers from Chicago on

Quick and cheap fix: Baby Powder - not too much, just enough to absorb the oil, then just brush it out. Works every time.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Get a very loose body wave perm. I have a friend whose hair looks lifeless and dull after 2 hours. When she gets a body wave she can go several days without looking greasy and flat. It makes the hair more fluffy and the treatment to thei hair changes it for a while. She gets one every 6 weeks or so and does it herself at this point. She has had them for so many years that it's just easy to roll it up herself. Or have her daughter do one to her then do one to her daughter. They both have the same kind of hair.

My friend also colors her hair sometimes but if you don't get the right kind of perm it can take the color off and look very odd.



answers from San Francisco on

I just wanted to say ....I feel the same way ,have the same problem and thanks for asking the question. If for nothing else it's nice to know I'm not the only one. I'm going to have to try this dry shampoo.



answers from Norfolk on

I use a dry shampoo I found at Target (have to really look for them because they're mixed in with the mousse, gels, etc.) Makes your hair smell better and helps a bit with the oil. I also use baby powder - works great! Otherwise, I'm all about a hat, or throwing my hair in braids. I too have tried washing my hair less often (every 3-4 days), but I think I just play with it too much and have an oily scalp. Headbands hide a lot too.


answers from Los Angeles on

Buy the dry shampoo form the beauty supply. You shake it really well all the while spraying into the oiliest areas. If you don't buy a good quality one or shake really hard you could get a white powdery residue on your hair. I use it a lot. too.



answers from New York on

Dry shampoos really do work. They also add volume. Just follow the directions (you need to let it settle in for a few minutes. I hear that baking powder works well too.

Sometimes I will add the dry shampoo and then use the blow dryer to style it a bit.

But nothing beats washing it.



answers from Dallas on


I didn't read your responses, but sometimes on my "off" hair washing days I pull my hair back into a pony tail. It keeps it looking neat and put together.

My daughter went through a period of oily hair and I switched her to volumizing shampoo and conditioner. It worked for her.

Hope this helps!

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