Is high fructose corn syrup a safe ingredient?Yes, there are no safety concerns. The safety of high fructose corn syrup is based on science and expert review accumulated over the past 40 years. In 1983, the FDA listed high fructose corn syrup as “Generally Recognized as Safe” (known as GRAS status) for use in food and reaffirmed that ruling in 1996. GRAS recognition by the FDA is important because it recognizes a long history of safe use as well as adequate scientific studies proving an ingredient’s safety. GRAS status is maintained indefinitely unless the FDA has a new reason to question an ingredient’s safety, in which case it will then look into maintaining or revoking the GRAS status.[5]Lara Field, R.D., answers the question: Is HFCS a safe ingredient?Watch the video.John White, Ph.D. noted, “Its safety was never seriously doubted because expert scientific panels in every decade since the 1960s drew the same conclusion: sucrose, fructose, glucose, and, latterly, HFCS did not pose a significant health risk, with the single exception of promoting dental caries [tooth decay].”In addition to government-convened expert panels, professional organizations have also confirmed the safety of high fructose corn syrup, including the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association).[5] 61 Fed. Reg. 43447 (August 23, 1996), 21 C.F.R. ###-###-####. Direct Food Substances Affirmed as Generally Recognized as Safe; High Fructose Corn Syrup - Final Rule.