Just Wondering... - Norfolk,VA

Updated on October 13, 2010
M.E. asks from Woodbridge, VA
6 answers

Hi Ladies, I'm only about 6 weeks pregnant, but so far, everything I eat gives me a headache and leaves me dizzy for about 5-10 minutes, I have a lot of cramping and occasional spotting (this is so embarrassing). Is this normal? It didn't happen at all with my first child and I was told each pregnancy is different...

*my first appt is in a week in a half.

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answers from Miami on

I didn't have the dizziness or headache like Deb R. had but I had a lot of cramping. I would go to the doctor early just to make sure though.

Good luck!



answers from Washington DC on

call doc and get appt today or tomorrow. otherwise, go to urgent care.


answers from Pocatello on

I haven't had the headaches or dizzy spells but with all 4 pregnancies I had cramping for weeks and with my first I did bleed for a while. It's good that you are getting in to the doc soon so they can just make sure everything is fine but I'm sure you're just experiencing the normal things that can happen while pregnant.



answers from Washington DC on

First of all...CONGRATS on your pregnancy :)

With one of my pregnancies, I did experience dizziness and some mild cramping that was not related to "implantation" of the embryo into the uterus. And I spotted with all of my pregnancies for the 1st trimester. Spotting and cramping should ALWAYS be taken seriously. You should call your OB asap and let them know about the cramping and spotting. Waiting another week and 1/2 to see your doctor is not advised. Any good OB will have you come in right away with spotting and cramping--just to do a vaginal ultrasound to make sure everything is okay. Don't blow this off. Although everything is likely okay, you should err on the side of caution as should your OB. Best to you!



answers from New York on

yes, its normal. the dizziness is actually how i knew i was pregnant. spotting is normal too. i dont know about the cramping, i didnt have that, but i was so constipated the first couple of months that i guess its all related. go with your gut, if you feel like something is wrong then call your doc., but sounds normal to me. nothing to be embarrassed about at all, its not very sexy :) and weve all been there. and all my pregnancies were different to some degree. best of luck to you...



answers from Washington DC on

I don't think that's normal. I would recommend making an emergency appt. with your ob/gyn. I know that occasional spotting is normal, but the combination of symptoms sounds a little worrisome.

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