I, too, am a Christian so I have great peace in knowing that my God is in control and all will eventually work out. I also can't right all the wrongs in the world but my God is taking care of everything in His best timing.
When people hurt me or someone I love, I remember a saying that one of my pastors says, "Hurt people hurt people." It reminds me that the person is in a lot of pain and I shouldn't take it personally. Also, knowing that I have been forgiven daily helps me to forgive and just let things go.
Also, having an attitude of gratitude helps me to be content in all things. We have had many trials in life, as have most people, but having that inner peace that I have much to be thankful for helps me to focus on the positives. It's a happy place to be!
I love your heart of generosity! Whenever a person is feeling down or needing pity, all they need to do is find someone to help out. It works instantaneously.