There are days I love my job and days I hate it. It's extremely demanding.
Is it the best and most fulfilling job I've ever had? No.
The commute with gas prices so high is killing me.
But, it's a job. I'm good at it. I like my clients and I like my coworkers, for the most part.
What is it you hate about your job? Is it anything that can be rectified? Is it a matter of you just not feeling fulfilled?
I know that as I get older, I really ponder where I ultimately want to be and what I want to be doing. But, the truth of the matter is that my job pays the bills. My boss is pretty fair. My youngest has a year left of high school and I figure then is when I will concentrate on making a change.
My goal is to relocate to better weather and where jobs pay better.
For now, I'm not in the best place, but it's a good place that I'm thankful for.
Look for other jobs as you can find time to do so. You certainly seem to have longevity at your positions on your side.
Keep an eye on what's available near you and apply for things on the sly.
Make sure you have a clear idea about what it is that makes you miserable at your current position.
No job is perfect. There are good days and bad days anywhere.
With so many people out of work, I just shrug off the bad days as best I can and enjoy the good.
Best wishes.