Is the 3-D Experience Worth It for a 4Yr Old?

Updated on April 24, 2010
S.E. asks from Bozeman, MT
22 answers

My son really wants to see "How to Train Your Dragon". I know it's still in the theatre here, but am wondering if it's worth trying to take him to since it's in 3-D. I am afraid the glasses will be so big on his face that he will get frustrated and then not want to watch the rest of the movie. Anyone taken their munchkin to a 3-D? Would you do it again? Thanks moms!

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So What Happened?

Well.... I called my local theatre and found out they only offer the adult size glasses. I knew if would be an issue for him to try to keep them on if he put his head back against the seat, but we went for it anyway. He had SUCH a good time. Today when I dropped him off at pre-school he was telling all his friends about training a dragon and Toothless. I think next time I will aim for an afternoon movie just to save a few extra dollars, but overall it was a wonderful time! Thanks for all the advice!

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answers from San Francisco on

I would do it again in a heartbeat! My family loved it and my sons looked so cute with those huge glasses on his small face. To prepare for that, you could go to Walmart or some place like that and get those special bands that they make to keep glasses on small faces; they connect to the glasses and wrap around their head to keep in place. Sit in the middle or towards the back but most importantly....Have fun!



answers from Fort Collins on

My 4 year old LOVED IT!! He did wear the glasses the whole time, though it was his second 3D movie!

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answers from Denver on

I took my kiddos to Alice In Wonderland. My kiddos are 7, 4 and 2. My 7 and 4 y/o LOVED the 3-D my 2 y/o even wore glasses through most of the movie. Obviously every kid is different, but I say go for it!



answers from Atlanta on

I'm so ticked off that they're making and marketing these kids movies in 3-D, but they don't make kid's 3-D glasses! We took my 4 year old son to "HTTYD" in 3-D, and he really enjoyed the movie, but he did have to hold the glasses on his face. He wound up taking them off a lot during the movie. I asked him if it was blurry (it was when I removed mine), but he said it was fine. If they don't come out with kid-sized 3D glasses soon, we won't be taking him to any more 3D versions of movies. I will say, from my point of view -the 3-D in this movie was AWESOME! The dragon flying scenes and the skimming the ocean were like being on a roller coaster!

I see one person found small glasses at their theater, but I asked and there were none at our theater. I've talked to several people who can't find them at theaters here in Atlanta either.



answers from Colorado Springs on

I'd say it depends on how well he can sit through a mive and how much attention to detail he pays. My 5 1/2 year old was staying with my parents and they took him to see the 3D version. He loved it, went on and on about it.

I took my 3 1/2 year old to see the regular version on a date. He is just now able to sit through a whole movie, but gets distracted sometimes. He just loved being in the big theater and having popcorn, etc. I decided he wouldn't miss anything by now going 3D and he loved the movie, went on and on about it.
So, I'd say it depoends on your son, but I'd save the money and get you two some popcorn instead. :) Enjoy



answers from Salt Lake City on

At our theatre they gave a smaller set of glasses to my 4 year old that fit great. You could call ahead and see if they have the smaller glasses. My daughter got a little scared in a couple of parts. I don't know if the 3-D made it scarier for her of if it was just the dragons.

Anyway it was a great movie but I think would be fine to see it in 2D plus save some money if it is available and you are worried about the glasses. My other kids age 7,9 and 11 loved it and they didn't think it was scary.



answers from Davenport on

My son is 4, we did not see it in 3-D. I didn't see the point of paying the extra $3.50 per person and I knew he would not keep them on. He loved the movie and I don't think he missed out by seeing it in 2-D.


answers from Saginaw on

My sister just took her almost 5 year old and 2 year old son. She said her older one loved it, but the younger one wouldn't keep the glasses on. So I would by if, you think he will keep them on, then go for it. The glasses should fit.



answers from Great Falls on

I just wanted to let you know that my family went and saw this in regular 2D to save some money and it was wonderful. I don't think we missed that much. I have 11, 8, and 6 year old kids and they have all raved about it. If you're worried about him enjoying it with the glasses on, know that 2D was still a great option for us!




answers from Denver on

I took my 4 year old to the regular (non-3D version). The theatre we went to showed both - the 3D version was $5 or $7 more, so that made the decision even easier. It was still a great movie, even without the 3D



answers from Gainesville on

I just took my 5 year old to see it and he absolutely loved it (I did too!). And they have regular and smaller size glasses. They gave my almost 2 year old a small pair! But if you are still worried you can take him to see it in regular view. Most theaters are showing it both ways but the 3-d was very cool!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I personally just don't go to 3D movies. The glasses/effects give me a headache (might be something to do with depth perception issues). I would imagine they could do the same thing to a kid who's eyes are still developing. At any rate, I don't think it's worth the extra $2 they charge for the thing. 2D is plenty good imo



answers from Pocatello on

My son hated the glasses and kept taking them off. He also said he had a headache. They gave us the smaller glasses too but he still wouldn't keep them on, I didn't force the issue but I know for next time. My older boys all kept theirs on and loved every second of it (ages 8, 11, and 13). Now I just do 2-D with my 4 year old and leave the 3-D stuff for the bigger guys. We still get our Mommy-kiddo dates but the only 3-D is in real life. :) It is worth seeing it on the big screen though, there are some really cool scenes that just would not be the same sitting in your family room!!! Have fun.



answers from Phoenix on

I took my 4 year daughter to a couple of 3D movies and she does not like it. She would put the glasses on for a little bit but then takes it off for the entire movie. I no longer take her to the 3D since it seems like she prefer it non 3D. You can probably give it a try and see if he would like it. Enjoy the movie.



answers from Denver on

The glasses don't work on 4 year olds. We took our daughter to the non 3-D version of it and she loved it!


answers from Boca Raton on

My son is 3.5 and we just saw the dragon movie last weekend in 3D.. He kept his glasses on 85% of the time. We saw another movie in 3D about 6 months ago and he kept taking his glasses off so I was worried about that also.. The movie is very entertaining so that could be why he kept them on.. Also, he brought a friend with him this time and she kept her glasses on, so I'm sure that helped...
I say try it!



answers from Colorado Springs on

We took our 4 year old last week and loved the movie, but had trouble with the glasses. The glasses didn't fit very well so he was constantly adjusting them with popcorn oil fingers, they were so mucked up with popcorn oil that he couldn't see anything out of them. Not sure how long they were like that before I figured it out and switched glasses with him so I could try to get the oil off of the other pair. Not easy without a degreaser and 3-D glasses with little ridges. :)



answers from Denver on

My youngest daughter is 4. She is so annoyed by how big the glasses are that she doesn't enjoy 3-D yet, so if I take only her to see a movie, I go for the non-3-D. If my older daughters are with us, we go ahead and go to the 3-D. She gets annoyed by the glasses, but I figure she's learning to deal with it. When she gets too annoyed, she just takes them off and seems fine watching without them.



answers from Denver on

Our theater gave the option to see it in 3-D or regular. The movie is totally worth it but the 3-D probably isn't, seems pretty hard on the eyes as well as a pain with the glasses.




answers from Mansfield on

My 4 year old daughter hates all things 3-D. We watched the 3D Hannah montana concert (for my older daughter) and the youngest didn't like it so she went into her room to play... she actually likes Hannah too. When we went to Disney there is several shows and rides that are 3D she didn't like any of them. The glasses may be too big anyway but for the most part they don't want to keep them on, you can't see anything with them off and 3D is scary (even the Muppets 3D scared her) because they dont really understand what is going on. I say wait and rent the movie on DVD. We saw the regular version and the kids all loved it. No one complained (not even the 11 year old) that we didn't watch it in 3D.



answers from Denver on

We took our five year old with us. The glasses were a bit big but he managed to keep thm on; however, in the row behind us a woman had her younger son with her. She had him on her lap the whole time and had to hold his glasses on his face for him.



answers from Saginaw on

I have taken my 6 yr old and 4 yr old to quite a few 3D movies and they loved em! Sometimes my 4yr old would take off the glasses to just see if the stuff was really that close! It was fun to watch them try to touch the things coming from the screen! I am hoping to take my girls to see How to Train your Dragon too! Oh yeah movies theaters have adult and kid size glasses so they should fit him ok! Good luck!

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