Hi A.!
We have had a balance bike for our daughter for over a year now (she is 3 1/2) and we absolutely love it! In fact, our entire neighborhood of friends have balance bikes for their kids too - 6 kids total. A few people got the Skuut bikes, and they like it. The Skuut bike handle bar doesn't go all the way around, which limits the possibility for wiping out, which is good. Another friend of mine decided to save a few bucks and go with a Playskool Glide-to-Ride bike, which is supposed to allow you to tkae the pedals off or put them on. However, it is SUPER heavy - almost twice as heavy as the one we bought our daughter - and her kid just won't have anything to do with it. It is simply too heavy for a 3 year old to be lugging around, and a little dangerous if you ask me.
We bought our daughter a Specialized Hot Rocks bike from Bicycles, INC. in Keller. It is AMAZING. She loves it, it's super light and the handle bar goes all the way around. She is already graduating to a Trek Mystic 16'' this month, no training wheels.
If your son is tall and you're wavering between a glide-to-ride bike and just a glide bike I would recommend a Trek Float. It is the original, high quality "glide-to-ride" bike as opposed to the cheap, heavy Playskool one. They start at size 16''.
Good luck!!