Hi L.! My son had this also. I had never HEARD of it so I was a little freaked out at first. However, it's so not a big deal since you're treating it at a young age. Here's what will happen. You may have a doctor recommend a helmet to correct the shape of her head. I strongly recommend NOT doing it! Her head will go back to a normal shape on its own, after she starts using those neck muscles how they're supposed to be used. Have you been explained by someone how it was caused? Just in case you haven't, it's assumed that while the baby was in our womb, they favored one side of their neck over the other. This caused them to lean their head to one side, which in turn, caused one side of their neck muscles to get used regularly and therefore be of normal size, and the other side was not used regularly, which causes their neck muscle on THAT side to be shorter than the normal side. This makes it more work to look one way or tilt their head one way, and therefore they favor the other side and will actually turn their whole body to look at something before they'll strain those short neck muscles.
So, what happens, is physical therapy. My son went twice a week. They basically just make them use those neck muscles through play. One thing you can do at home is lay her on the floor, get up by her head and shake toys to the side she doesn't use, to get her to use it. My son only had to go to physical therapy for about 6 weeks. Some cases are worse than others, and take longer and also take more at home work. Some are very minor.
Get it fixed though, because one thing that it can affect is their vision development, since they are not using both sides equally.
Don't worry if you notice her head is misshaped. My son's was, but over the next 12 months after he completed physical therapy his head was just fine, totally would never have known he had torticollis. Just don't do that helmet thing. I did a lot of research, and actually found a study that involved babies. Many of them DIED from the use of a helmet. It was back in the 60's I think.
Don't worry! You'll see that torticollis is no big deal! Inconvenient, but totally fixable!