My son was born w/ brachecypholy (sp)-flathead in back because he was so huge for my tummy. The doc kept saying his head would round out and didn't. We insisted on the helmet (neice had one for torticollis) and it worked great. They are very low risk and the longer you wait the longer they have to wear them and the harder it is to fix their head. If you don't do it it can cause future headaches, jaw issues, vision issues, ect.
HOWEVER, it really isn't a big deal and can easily be fixed!!!! My niece had torticollis and got flat head on one side. Her forehead started protruding on one side from it. She did helmet therapy and now she looks perfect!!
Like I said earlier, it takes a while to get insurance approved (we were lucky and they covered it), have the cast made and sent off, then made and returned. It took us like 2 months. We lost time because I listened to my Ped and he had to wear it longer. Pray about it, make a decision and jump on it if you decide the helmet therapy is for you.
Totally not a big deal!!! The harshest thing was having my son casted for the helmet. They get used to it!! And will thank you for looking normal when they get big!!
-brings me to another point. My sister-in-law did not notice how bad my niece was getting because she saw her every day!! You might have a slightly distorted view from being mommy and seeing her everyday.