Implantation Bleeding or Stressed Period?

Updated on August 18, 2010
A.G. asks from Bowling Green, KY
5 answers

My partner & I had sex for the first time on the 26th. It was short lived due to the fact that after several tries he could not keep an erection & therefore did not ejaculate. I am on no form of birth control but we did use a condom each of the 3 times we tried. My period was due the 9th of August but came several days late. I had one day of what seemed to be like normal period flow, but after that it just didn't seem right. Had I not experienced the flow of the first day I may not have known I was having my period at all. It only lasted a total of 4 days with the last 3 being little to almost no flow. My worry now is that I could very well be pregnant. I took a home pregnancy test today & it came up negative but the unusual period still has me worried. So my question is, implantation bleeding or a sketchy period due to stress?

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So What Happened?

Today I started experiencing some random nausea & I do feel as if I have been going to the bathroom more than usual, sometimes it maybe every hour or so. I have not taken another pregnancy test yet, but I do plan on taking another one at the end of the week.

More Answers


answers from Raleigh on

I get weird periods like that quite frequently too! Just chalk it up to stress and take another test in a few days. Chances are you are not pregnant!



answers from Charlotte on




answers from Detroit on

I would call it stress but if you are worried I would call your OB and at least talk to them



answers from Charlotte on

I would think using a condom every time, him never actually ejaculating and receiving a negative pregnancy're more than likely not pregnant.



answers from Nashville on

yes, could be stress related, i've been on bc pills for so long my periods are doing that too.....i'd give it another month, if doesn't get back to normal, give your ob a call

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