The thing is that your baby doesn't have a "brand new immune system". He doesn't have an immune system in place yet. All of his immunity is passive, meaning it is whatever was passed on by you. That is getting ready to run out and then he will be on his own to contract the diseases and build up a natural immunity to them. That would be far worse then giving him some immunity via a needle. These immunizations are safe. There is nothing in them that causes any developmental problems or other diseases. Think of this as you are taking your child out in public. . . without immunizations he is not only able to contract other diseases, but he will then be a part of passing them on to others that are choosing not to be immunized. So diseases that were once on the verge of total annihalation are now coming back because parents are choosing not to immunize their children and things like polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diptheria, pertussis, tetanus will be on the rise again. Look into the illnesses that you could protect your child against and think about if you would like to have your child be maimed or die from that disease and possibly pass it on to someone else.
I am not trying to be mean to you, but this is something I feel very strongly about.