I'm Sure

Updated on May 12, 2014
R.X. asks from Fayetteville, AR
16 answers

It really annoys me when someone responds to a problem, fear, or situation with "I'm sure"....

I know that folk today are on a kick of "positive energy", but stating, "I'm sure" should be used when they are 'sure' and not when they 'hope'.

I am trying to live a life by having more faith. Am I missing out of good things by not buying into the "I'm sure" mentality?

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answers from Los Angeles on

You certainly are an enigma Rhonda. When I first joined this site I found you prickly, but now,... I know you are an individual with no concern for what others think. I like that. Rock on girl.

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answers from Chicago on

I'm sure you'll get past this.

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answers from Washington DC on


Stating "I'm SURE" is a sign of optimism...it's a sign of HOPE...it's called POSITIVE ENERGY....POSITIVE THOUGHTS...

However, I do believe you are missing out on a lot of good things in life...you've stated your negative feelings towards your sisters...you've held back on things because you are afraid of people taking advantage of you...just because one person did it? Doesn't mean EVERYONE is going to take advantage of you...

You state you are TRYING "faith"....faith in God or what? To be honest, you come off as a VERY Negative person...one who has been deeply hurt in the past and has NOT gotten over or past that hurt and hold it against everyone else. You have a guard up that is bigger than the Great Wall of China....even though you come off as holding yourself in high esteem....but you still lack close friends and confidants because you refuse to allow anyone to actually get close to you.

You are missing out on a lot of things because you don't jump in with both feet - that's faith - not holding back, dipping your toe in to test the waters rather than take the leap of faith....you need to trust in people, Rhonda. You need to let go of the anger, resentment and hostility your hold in you heart to be able to LIVE and LOVE....

Just saying this is how you come off and the perception others might have of you....

Good luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

I can't relate, but we all have our pet peeves.

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answers from Anchorage on

I don't really understand what you are asking, or what someone being sure about something has to do with faith or a lack there of?

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answers from Chicago on

I think it's become a polite turn of phrase, nothing more.

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answers from Reading on

I'm with those who say your post is confusing. You started in the middle of a thought.

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answers from Indianapolis on

Optimism my dear...

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answers from Phoenix on

I have no idea what you are talking about. What a strange post.

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answers from Washington DC on

words are slippery.
you cannot insist that everyone else use words to mean specifically and precisely what the dictionary says they should mean, when real life people have so much nuance, and only words with which to communicate.
you can, of course, continue to be annoyed by this, but you are condemning yourself to a lifetime of annoyance. or you can be one of those people who chase and trap their conversationalists by insisting they clarify and define every word that comes out of their mouths, and challenging them not to use euphemisms or allegories. this will surely fix your problem because before long no one will want to engage in casual pleasant conversation with you.
your faith should not be rocked by how other people choose to word their good wishes.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Are we talking pet peeves?
I'm nominating "reach out" and starting EVERY sentence with "So...."

(Sorry--I'm pretty sure I don't understand your post.)

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answers from Lakeland on

People say it because they are being optimistic. They are putting out positive energy or a positive mind set.

If you are more positive about life it will come back to you. But you should have positive people in your life as well, cut off the negative ones that bring you down.

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answers from Huntington on

I don't say "I am sure you will get the job" because I think it will bring me or the person I am talking to more blessings. I say it because that is the way most people I know talk. Maybe it is a regional sort of phrase. All I know is there is no complicated thought process going on here- as Julie said, it is just a turn of phrase.

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answers from Dallas on

I'm still trying to get a handle on this but I'll bite.

My faith in and of itself, is not worth a hill of beans. It's what my faith is based on that counts. If I have faith in my abilities, well I only have so much control and things just might go south, but I'll try with all my might. If I have faith in the world that it only has good things in mind for me, I am deluding myself.

For me, I've put my faith in an Almighty, loving God. He has a plan to Redeem my soul and my life, good things and bad. It's easy to trust when times are good, it takes more faith when times are bad. I take time to feed my faith by what I read, what I listen to and what I watch and who I choose to spend time with.

So when I say, I am sure, I try to make sure that my words are biblically based on God's promises because He is the only one who is Able.

I know some will disagree. Such is the moment of decision.

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answers from Boston on

It's an expression that can be helpful (and hopeful) or downright dismissive. It's all about the audience and the intent. For folks who speak concretely, saying "I'm sure..." , when they are not, would be insincere. So just be yourself and speak in the manner you are most comfortable.

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answers from McAllen on

It annoys me, too. (I think that I get you, and I encourage you to keep on being just who you are. Everybody's not gonna enjoy you, and--guess what?--they don't have to. People on this site are always praising the fact that we are all different and bring so may differnt perspectives to the table, and then they come down on you for being a bit "off" from what they think you should be. If it's meant to be, someone will cross a bridge to you and help you to cross that same bridge once in a while. I'm sure of THAT.)

I don't say things like that to people, unless I believe that I am sure about something.

"I'm sure that you will be okay, however this turns out."

"I'm sure that you will be right where you're supposed to be, when the dust settles."

"I'm sure that when the time comes, you will know just what to do. Just keep moving, and you will open the doors to the answers that you need, when you need them."

Sometimes, that's annoying because people tend to want reassurance that what they believe is the RIGHT thing is just what will happen, that somebody else is in agreement with that and can help to will it to happen.

I am of a personality type that chooses words very carefully, so I think that I tend to focus more on this than certain other people. I don't say "How are you?" in passing like some do. I only say it if I am prepared to listen and receive the answer to that question, whatever it may be. Not everyone partners with words that way.

As you mentioned, some people are on a "faith" kick. And, then, some people just want something to say.

All that said, I can't tell them what not to be "sure" of. Someone might be SURE that I would wear my hair in a side ponytail. I'm sure that I won't, but I'm not in charge of his/her certainties.

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