I'm Dressed!! Can I Stay That Way?

Updated on April 28, 2011
M.R. asks from Churchville, NY
15 answers

Happy Easter! I was so excited that after trying on half my closet yesterday and again this morning, I actually found a skirt and top I like that FIT! (I have a 6-week-old baby and two older kids, so my closet and I do not get along right now.) If I don't get dressed for church first, I will go in my pajamas. It is just about time to get the boys up and dressed and out the door and I just have this "it figures" feeling that I will be massively spit-up upon or have Cheerios with milk spilled on me, and be left wearing the nasty brown maternity pants I originally found. (They were cute when I was pregnant, but you know you never want to wear those things again unless you're gestating again.)

Have your dear ones ever ruined you on the way out the door, heading to work, or on an even dressier occassion? Any fun "mommy wardrobe malfunctions?"

Grandma T--that's a really good idea. My robe still doesn't go around me but I could find one of my husband's shirts. :)

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So What Happened?

Suz T--I can't wear any of my old blouses since I'm nursing, but had bought larger shirts while pregnant early on hoping they would fit now, and I can't quite button pants that are one size up from pre-pregnancy, so don't be too mad at me! :) I wore a t-shirty cotton skirt from Target today, which is incredibly forgiving! :)

Kelsy's Mom: I HATE being late and used to prefer not going somewhere to arriving late. I am rarely on time for doctor's appointments or anything else for the same reason! I love how extensive that accident was, even on your shoe and hair! (I'm sure it was awful at the time.) Now I can't get my older kids to use the bathroom, or last-minute they have to go again, etc. :)
Getting dressed last-minute might be a good idea, too. It only takes me a minute to pull things on and I usually try my clothes on the night before to make sure everything fits and looks okay.

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answers from San Antonio on

I put my apron on when I don't want the clothes I'm wearing to get dirty. On the rare occasion that I don't have a clean apron I put my robe on or a nightshirt.

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answers from Modesto on

I'd throw on one of dads shirts or put your robe on over your clothes until it's time to hit the door.

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answers from Sioux City on

My parents had come to help out after a very difficult situation. They were there to take care of me more than anything. My Mom had helped to get my three little ones dressed and we headed out to Mass. Mom and Dad were great helping with the kids during the service. The kids were angelic. After Mass we decided to go out for breakfast. As we stood waiting for a place to sit I looked down to find I had two completely different shoes on. Such is life!

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answers from Washington DC on

i'm just fuming that 6 weeks after a new baby you're getting along with your closet again!
S. (jealousjealousjealous)

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answers from Cumberland on

"I'm dressed!! Can I stay that way?" Yes-put on a bib!

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answers from Detroit on

Last week during my 4 year old's bday party, I was eating really fast so I could deal with all the party chaos and I spilled pizza sauce on my white shirt. My WHITE shirt. I was so bummed. I should blame myself because I was eating like a crazy person, but I prefer to blame the kids because they aren't here to defend themselves and also, if it weren't for them I wouldn't have been rushing. Right? :)

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answers from Redding on

Ok confession time... Way back when I had my first baby, I was determined to never let a baby make me late for anything! I am not a late person I refuse to be late and think it's rude to make others wait for you and the only times I have been late was when someone else didn't pull their weight and show up on time so I could leave when I wanted. Ok, so that being said, I was determined to be the first and maybe only new M. in the world to not be late. I was up, dressed, ready with 1 week old baby ready and on the way out the door a good 30 minutes early for his first baby check up. So proud and smug I was, "I'll show those lazy moms how it's done" attitude, and just as I stepped out the front door, he had a massive poopy blow out in his diaper that ran down the front of my new top and down the leg of my new pants, up his back, and on my arm! I held him out away from my shirt and my long hair wrapped around the poop on my arm. ewww..By the time I got back to the bathroom it was on my shoe and the floor! Where in the heck does all that come from!!! Needless to say I had to strip down, wash up, redo my hair, hunt thru the closet for anything that would fit and do the same for him. I hurried like crazy and arrived at his appointment about 10 minutes late and so frazzled and stressed. Then I started trying to explain and justify why I was late but the office staff just laughed, and said its common for a new M. to misjudge how long it will take to get out of the house with the baby and not to worry about it. But it still makes me crazy that they tried to give me advice, "Try leaving 30 minutes early" HA.. I DID!, but it didnt help! I got over it, and realized I'm just like everyone else and now and then things happen. I'm still rarely late for anything, but sometimes it just can't be helped.

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answers from Fort Wayne on

Getting dressed is the absolute LAST thing I do. I'll get up, do my hair and make up. Then I just put on my robe or a clean pair of pajamas. Then I get the kids breakfast, get them dressed and ready. I will wait until we are literally 10 minutes from walking out the door to put my clothes on. When my youngest was little, I would even strap her in her carseat, then get dressed. It drives my husband CRAZY. He's always yelling at me to get dressed! LOL! It's the only way I've found to keep my clothes clean before I go somewhere.

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answers from Washington DC on

My son had major reflux for the 1st year of his life. We were on vacation when he was 4 mos old and were going out to dinner (vacation was me, my husband, our son, MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL and niece). It takes some time to get 8 people showered and dressed after a day on the beach...once everyone else was ready, I put my son's clothes on him and we all walked out of the condo...except me, walking down the hallway from the bedroom, my son had a massive vomit episode. So, onto outfit #2 for my son. I walked down the hallway to the elevator...and another vomit, so back inside for outfit #3. This time we made it down to the parking lot and another vomit, which meant outfit #4 for my son and #2 for me!

Finally, we made it to the restaurant, got seated and I gave my son another bottle (due to him vomitting so much and not gaining weight we had to "replace" what he lost when he vomitted). He drank his bottle and was fine. Then, as the waiter arrived at the table with our food he vomitted AND pooped all over himself and me. I had extra clothes for him but not for me so I had to wipe the poop and vomit off my clothes, give my son a bath in the sink of the restaurant (he was THAT badly covered) and by the time he was dressed and we got back out to the table, everyone else was finishing up thiir meals.

We all laughed about it after the fact because that was just how life was for us for the entire first year.

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answers from Cincinnati on

we always plan to leave early. that way if I get something on me I have time to wipe it off and dry it with the blow drier before I leave and wont be late! but today my 20mnth old angel leaked through his diaper (I seriously dont know how I had JUST changed him!) and left a huge pee spot of my new dress. We were at my aunts so I could only sponge it off.

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answers from New York on

I have gotten in the habit of wearing my kitchen apron until we are literally in the garage, especially if I am wearing white. When my son was young (infant), I bought one of those really "lovely" zip-up robes and wore that over my clothing when I needed to stay clean!

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answers from Appleton on

When my 1st baby was just starting to eat I was feeding her green beans and she sneezed all over my nice white blouse. We were all ready to go somewhere with my in-laws and I wanted to look nice--well I had to change. I like the idea of an apron, now that I'm a grandma I'll try to remember that one. I am still wearing baby food or spit-up. I baby sit the tiny one now and I laughed and said I don't need a burp rag I need a burp poncho!!

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answers from Dallas on

i'm a little late to the party as well, but here's what we do... i'm a sahm, so sunday is typically the only day of the week that we ALL have to be up, dressed, and out the door earlyish. i'm a planner and i do NOT like to be late, well, i will not be late to church, but i don't like to be late in general. the VERY last thing that we do(all of us) is get dressed. we get up, feed the kids and ourselves, feed the dogs and let them out, clean up the kitchen, make beds, etc. about 30 min before we need to leave - we have the kids brush their teeth, use the potty, and get dressed. i usually comb hair while my husband gets dressed, then he puts the kids in the car and double checks the diaper bag while i throw a dress or outfit on. by the time i'm dressed, my husband the three kids are already in the car, it's cranked, and we're ready to go!

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answers from New York on

So I'm a little late with this post but here it goes.

I am always the last to get dressed in my house before work. Why? Cause I've been to work too many times with baby spit-up somewhere on my body (yes I've even sat it in and didn't notice - someone at work did). Once I forgot to change my shoes (had my slippers on still) and it was too late to turn around and go home, thank goodness I had some sneakers in the car!

Wardrobe malfunction? Not so much a malfunction...my oldest decided to pull up my shirt (this was a few months after I had stopped BFing her) flashing a poor dad at daycare! Even better is our daycare is connected to where I work so I not only see this guy at drop off/pick-up I get to see him in the halls at work.

The worst was my poor mom. I remember we were shopping for back to school clothes for me and my younger sister became ill, as in puked up more than her body weight, all over my mother...who for some reason (remember this is the late 80's) was wearing ALL WHITE! From head to toe and there she was with me (who was pissed because we had to leave without buying what I had picked out), a Tasmanian devil - I mean my brother and a sick 3 year old who was sick and she was COVERED in puke. We still had a 30 minute drive home. My poor mother!

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