Well, I was a single mom of two boys, and had a third shift job, then got married and had four kids, because he had two, then we had another. SO, five kids, a husband who was a truck driver, and away more than home, and I tell you, get a good neighbor, or relative to watch the kids, kick the fiance off the couch, and make him get a job! I also think, if he's not doing the house work, you're afool to keep him around. You're working, and doing it all? Bye Bye Mister! I worked third shift till my kids were almost all grown. Set rules, I know they are little, but one thing my kids learned really fast was, do not wake up mom unless there's a fire(we had one) or someone is bleeding. I also homeschooled my kids starting when the kids were 13, down to 5. They can learn to be self sufficient, but do need guideance at the younger ages. Loose the man, you'll be better off. If he won't help at all , why is he there?N. By the way, my kids are now 21, 20, 18, 16, and 14, and they are all responsible grown up acting young people. Two are in the military, two are married and parents of their own children, and one more is talking to recruiters. I have a fireman for a son, also. They can grow up without the bad influences of a lazy fiance. Now there is nothing wrong with telling them in just a minute, but then, you must respond, not ignore them. Get rid of the guy, and find a really good sitter. 3rd shift is the opportunity to get your kids up in the morning, and tuck them in yourself at night. They can't miss you when they are asleep. I also suggest learning to get by on about five hours sleep. It can be done. I did thirds for almost 20 years.