Hi H., the very words I think I'm a bad mother says your not, if you were it would be a consellor telling the children when they are grown, children of all ages need conctant entertainment. But at their ages wow. Can you get anyone to take the children for walks once each day. To get them some exercise & give you a break. While at home keep focused plan for the day, 7am breakfast, 7:30 clean-up 8am to 10am paint, draw, play-doe, 10am to 10:30am clean up. 10:30am snack, 10:45 clean-up 11am-12am exercise tape 12:00to 12:30, lunch, 12:45 clean-up 1pm to 2pm rest. 2:30 snack 2:45 clean up. 3pm to 5pm, cards, counting, blocks dolls cars play together, or seperate. Counting with coins. 5pm to 6:30 walk with Dad, 6:30pm dinner, clean-up 7:30pm bath, 8pm story time bed. What ever you choose as a schedule, stick to the time, the activity can varry. Hope you foot heals soon, best of luck with two young & active children.