Well, let the truth be told....but as hard as I tried to manage a schedule that I "thought" was great for my youngest son...........he had his own "body clock schedule" that I had to learn to work around. Kids are so different....my sister's kids have been great "schedulers" since birth. She's never had difficulty doing anything.they sleep, eat and poop" like champions, and always when she says it's time :o)........but my youngest was more challenging, and 7, he is still a "trick" to keep on a schedule. So........if your little one fights a routine, then my response might be helpful to you :O)
The key for us, was to make his bedtime consistent, which even at 1, wasn't easy for my youngest.........he would stay up if I let him........(my oldest was, and still is, out by 8:30pm and he's 13 now!) But if your little one struggles at bedtime, then I believe that's where you start your focus........it includes waking them up early in the morning to try and tire them out by the end of the day.
Once I learned my son's automatic nap times, I did my errands in the morning to try to finish when he was usually ready for a nap. Falling asleep in the car was 3 out of 7 days for him, until his body fell asleep at the same time daily. Then, the rest developed from there.........playing, eating, etc...
A slow pace for our bedtime routine worked best, as he needed time to unwind from the day........so this usually started at 6:30ish, to get him in bed by 7:15ish........
As long as your little one is getting enough sleep, like clock-work, everything else usually falls into place.
Warning................as soon as we mastered a schedule.......it usually changed :o) After 1, they are really busy! Shortly after, your little one might "lose" an afternoon nap.......resulting in a schedule change :O)
Developing a schedule is nice, but it changes according to "life". When your little one is older, they might go into daycare/preschool, and that REALLY helps establish a schedule for you and baby.
At 1, I wouldn't force a perfect schedule :o) Simply allow enough routine to maintain a regular sleep/wake cycle..........the rest falls into place :o)
I hope this helps you in some small way. I couldn't post an actual "schedule" that worked for us daily because that simply wasn't the way one of my kids operated :o) Although many kids do function naturally on a schedule (my oldest), I tried share about the struggles with a child who wasn't a good "scheduling baby" :O)