Breastfeeding might be the issue, but she might just be a different kind of kid. I would wait until she sets up her own schedule a little and then build off of that. At this age she should probably only be staying up for a period of 2 hours in a row, so she'll take a lot of shorter naps. I know there are some real "schedule" people out there, but I tried to take advantage of this time with my second because I didn't worry so much if he slept in the car on the way to pick up his sister, or "missed" a nap because he'd just go down later. You can still do a bedtime routine (I think that's a great idea), knowing that she will still probably wake in the night, but then you've set up good habits for the future. Also, both of my kids who were exclusively breastfed at that age, started sleeping through the night (9ish-6ish) at the 10-12 week point, so you won't necessarily be up with her all the time forever.