How wonderful that the child you love so very much is spending time in a place you selected, you presumably trusted and you hopefully understood his growth and development would continue and be facilitated in a healthy way. It sounds like he is outwardly expressing his safe, comfortable and content feelings. Brilliant!, yes?? Your son along with the other children are approximately 18 months old. They are learning how to be, communicate and move in the world. He is loved. He shares his love. If he shares his love in a way that unintentially hurts his pals, his teachers are hopefully just reinforcing gentleness with a gentle touch or gentle words. I would hope for your beautiful son's sake that he would continue to be "allowed" to show his emotions and express himself. I once heard a child development professional say that one must tell a "normal" two-year-old child something 2,000 times before it actually sinks in. Wow! That's a perspective for us! Good Luck!