All three of my kids were trained before their 2nd bday, including night. When they started waking dry from naps, I would just put them on a potty seat. Eventually they learned how to recognize the need and take themselves. They all did this at different points.
If he knows he has a dirty diaper, wakes dry from naps, and is aware of it all, then just start taking him to the potty when you go and having him sit on the seat. Make it a fun game. I let one of my kids play on my phone when I went potty -they were hesitant to sit down without undies on, but were happy too if they could play on the phone for 5 minutes.
It takes 10-12 hits in the potty for kids to learn how to release and control peeing in the potty. It takes some time, but if you just go about it as if it's nothing special, and just say, pee and poop go in the potty, they quickly learn without a whole lot of effort and frustration on your part. When accidenst happen, you just say, "oops, pee goes in the potty. when you feel pressure here (touch lower abs), say, mommy potty, and we will try."
If you make it a difficult, challenging thing, it is a difficult, challenging thing. If you see it just like you see teaching them to use a spoon, then it can literally be that simple.
Get a few age appropriate books on using a potty seat, and just gently, and slowly, help your child learn how to use a toilet.