Call it what you like but any child unwilling to comply needs a rest from the situation. Have you seen Super Nanny? OMG it's amazing what these children transform into after there are healthy consequences in place. It is important to follow the rules though and dole out the consequences in a firm but loving way. My sister in law uses a pack and play for her toddler and it is simply a wonderful tool to keep the child where they need to be. I had to resort to holding my child down for a brief time until he was able to do the time and understand that he needed to stay there. The rule of thumb is one min per age of child. Talk to the child after the time out is done and explain why they were there until they understand what they were doing wrong. Follow up with an I love you and move on. Diverting attention away from the naughty behavior is also a great tool to keep them from always hearing no. Mild suggestions towards something appropriate for them to be doing helps them stay out of trouble. Setting up positive incentives to get them to behave also works wonders. Hope this helps!