I am fortunate enough to have family friends that watch my children. My daughter LOVES them. When I walk in the door she frequently yells, "NO! NO! I want to stay here! I want to stay with Aunt Teffie!" or something like that. I'd have to bribe her to get into the car...and she'd cry and carry on. It used to really upset me. I felt like a bad mom because my little angel didn't want to be around me....
One day, she went to someone else's house for a little while. When I came to pick her up...She was standing at the door looking out and waiting for me. When I came in, she said she wanted to go home. She picked up her diaper bag and stood next to me....And, that was worse than 1,000 tantrums. I felt horrible that she wanted to leave there so badly.
Since then, I've gladly accepted the tantrums about leaving. I no longer look at it like she doesn't want to be with me. I am thrilled that my little girl is in a safe and loving environment!
My daughter doesn't throw the tantrums as often anymore (she's almost 3). But, "Aunt Teffie" is still the center of her world! The bond she has with her differs than the one she has with me. And, neither of us can be replaced.
My son is 7 months old now. I'm sure in no time, he'll be throwing a fit when he has to leave too. I will embrace the tantrums...and I encourage you to do the same. You are lucky.