Oh how I totally agree with the first two posts!
Doing your homework and research on childcare is a MUST! It will either put your mind to ease or make you a nervous wreck.
I felt guilty about leaving my precious son, with whom I had been with for nearly 9 months before returning to work, and I must say that it was a healthy decision for me to go back to work.
I remember the first time I dropped him off at daycare. He was only staying for an hour because we did a transition week. I left him there and just cried my eyes out. I felt like I was a horrible mother, like I was abandoning him, like there was NO ONE on this earth who could tend to my child like I could. I felt awful. When I returned, he was happily playing in the exersaucer while the teacher was reading him a book. Laughing, smiling, having a ball. Instantly I felt better. He made an immediate connection with his teacher, so much to the point where we jokingly called her "Grandma Karen". She loved snuggling babies so it was a perfect fit. In the meantime, I got back on the career track and had adult interaction that I had not realized I had missed so much.
I still sometimes feel guilty about my child being in daycare, but I realize that he is getting the best of both worlds. I spend plenty of time with him on the weekends and the evenings teaching, learning, and growing with him. But when he is in daycare, he is learning so much about being with other children, watching them use a spoon and fork and other fun things like that(so now he wants to do it too), being involved in fun, creative, artistic, musical activities that I would never have thought to do.
Everyone has to do what they have to do to support their family and of course it is natural to feel guilty about it. Just try to see the positives as well :) Good luck to you!