How to Clean Tile Floors

Updated on January 30, 2008
T.C. asks from San Antonio, TX
7 answers

what is the best thing to clean tile floors with. I have black marks on mine from chairs and furniture sliding on it and can not get it out. We are also building a house that will have tile floors and I want to know how to best take care of it right away. What is the benefit of getting it sealed?

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answers from Austin on

Those Mr. Clean magic erasers take all those black marks off the floor. Also, marks off the walls, the grime on the bottom of the shower or bathtub and built up stuff on stovetops. It really is a miricle.



answers from Dallas on

I have a Hoover floor mate and love it! Very easy to use and it does all the hard work for me. I do highly recommend getting your grout sealed. Working in the new home construction industry I would recommend staying away from gray or light colored grout as they are the hardest to keep looking clean....I knew this and put it in my home anyway and yes I do regret it. I also recommend getting them professionally sealed as apposed to the do it your self spray. Depending on the type of scuff marks you have most of the black scuffs on my floor come up just by rubbing a rubber soled shoe on them...just do the twist on them. Congrats on your new home!



answers from Dallas on

I've heard the Hoover Floormate is great. It sweeps and mops! It's about $130-150 (depending on where you buy it). We just moved into a brand new house with tile floors and that's on my "to buy" list.



answers from Killeen on

For the black marks you should be able to use one of the Mr Clean Magic Erasers - for general cleaning use amonia and water or a general cleaning solution like the fabulouso you can buy at any store, HEB, WAL-MART, Dollar Tree - etc

My bother in law does flooring for a living as does my ex - so I use to ask the same question all the time..... with the same frustrations - black marks and so forth.....



answers from Dallas on

My mother has tile floors and LOVES her steamer... It seems to get everything.



answers from Houston on

I use MelaMagic. It's safer for your kids, you and your tile.. It cleans wonderfully. No harsh chemicals! The best thing about it is: since using it, we've not seen a single cockroach! As for sealing - it will help protect the tile.



answers from Dallas on

I use the Mr. Clean Erasers. I bought a steamer and hated it. It was a pretty good one, but I can't remember as it's been a while. I use Meyer Lemon Multipurpose and I toss in a little bleach too... and a regular MOP. lol

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