I went to counseling through half of high school till mid college (about 4 years). After a few sessions, like you had recently, feeling like there was really nothing to talk about but went anyway. I finally said during one of my sessions, ended up being my last session, that I feel there is no reason to keep coming. The counselor said he agreed because I seem to be in a good place but to call the office if I ever felt the need to have a session here or there.
Sometimes I think counselors do not say "You really seem in a good place so you might not need me any more" because they know they will be losing a paying customer. I could be completely wrong but I have never know anyone, I am close with, have the counselor say 'there is no need to come any more,' it has always been the individual using the services to say I do not need to come any more.
Guess you could just cancel all the remaining appointments with whomever you arrange them with (secretary, whatever) and if they call just say you are no longer interested but will call if you do decide to have another session.