Hi K.. I am 24 years old, and I have 4 kids. 2 boys and 2 girls. My parents were not happy about my 4th child when I told them, cause I almost died with my 3rd one. But when they came to realize that it was going to be another baby, and get to do holding and bottle feeding and loving on em, they were ecstatic. I think all of the family on both of our sides were upset, not just cause I was pregnant, but because I wasnt supposed to have another baby. Doctor flat out told me that I wouldnt be able to have another, and whoops I got pregnant again. I want you to know that having a 3rd child isnt going to be that bad, and when your family comes to realize that they don't have much of a say they will be happy for you. I wish you the best of luck and CONGRATS.
K. (lebanon oregon)