when i read your subject line, i felt compelled to read it and was already thinking to myself, Cars! know why??? b/c my 2.5 yo is the SAME WAY!!! omg, as soon as we wake up, soon as i cut the t.v. on at ANYTIME he says "watch Cars". i was so happy like you were too, plus i LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie...but yeah, getting tired of it now. so tonight, i just told him, no, we're not watching Cars or Barney, we're watching something we BOTH like. ends up being I Love Lucy, but i can't think of anything else that's appropriate & that i can stand.
that's too funny though that we're both experiencing it. i don't have the best advice, but i just tell him no, we'll watch it later, and we do...but a couple days later and just on/off throughout the day. not two full hours at once, he wouldn't sit still for that anyway. good luck mama. it's kinda nice to finally have a little freedom to do something though. my son recently started playing independently...i find myself sitting here going, "well now what am i supposed to do?!" lol take care! :)