My daughter is 2 and she LOVES to watch TV!!!!! I think TV is okay in moderation. I let her watch in the morning before she goes to daycare and then she's allowed to watch one movie when she gets home. It gives me a chance to change and get things unpacked and repacked for the next day. My advise would be, to try and distract him with other things. Do whatever it takes. Snack, pool, drive in the car to a carwash or store. Put on some music and start dancing. My daughter loves music and loves to dance. We have those music channels, so as long as the TV is on and there is some background noise, she is fine. I just have to tell her that she's only allowed to watch 1 movie and then that's it. She throws a little fit, but I tell her again and then if she continues to act silly, I ignore her. There is so much controvery about TV under the age of 2. My daughter watches quite a bit of TV and she is extremely smart. Counts in spanish, can sing her ABC's, speaks in complete and full sentences. TV should be used for entertaining, not babysitting. I think as long as he is doing other things besides sitting in front of the TV all day, he is fine. Kids love TV!!! There is no harm in it. And I wouldn't stress about it. Maybe, try taking him out of the room where the TV is or start up or join a local mom's group. Watching TV in moderation is fine. You just need to lay down some rules for him and let him understand them. It might take some time, but he will eventually understand. I PROMISE!!!!!