First and foremost, I stopped reading your post right after the first sentence. You must stop feeling guilty for cosleeping!!!!! There is NOTHING WRONG with cosleeping! If you want it to end that is fine and a perfectly acceptable decision for your family. However, even if you wanted to continue doing it you shouldn't feel guilty about it. It can be done safely and can be beneficial for some. However you choose to handle your situation please remove the guilt you may be feeling and believe that you and your husband have the instincts required to have a strong and happy family!
We coslept for awhile with our oldest when she was a baby and then when she was older we would allow her (and still do) to come into our bed in the morning. Sometimes it is 1:30 is am and sometimes it isn't until 7 am. But we have decided as a family that we will continue to offer her that special time. If it does get to be too early, I have put her back in her bed and told her it isn't time yet. My sister did a similar routine and used a timer on a very dim lamp and told her son that he could come into mommy and daddy's bed only after the lamp shut off. When they first started the lamp thing she would set her alarm as well and would go get him about that time to demonstrate that they would keep their end of the plan. After a short while he didn't need that and would sleep in his own bed until after the sun came up.
So, I have given you my opinion and shared my personal story. All I have left to say is trust your instincts and good luck!!