How Much Are You Spending on Your Child This Christmas/Holiday?

Updated on November 17, 2011
B.P. asks from Bedminster, NJ
16 answers

Hi Moms,

My son is 3 1/2 and I have picked up a couple really inexpensive but in good condition games and toys second hand and have bought a few new toys for my son for Christmas. I am going to spend about 30 or 35 dollars on him when I am done. I feel that at this age he doesn't need any more than that especially since he will get presents from all his aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other friends and family. My question is, am I in the minority here? I see some parents talking about "going nuts" or "unable to control" themselves buying presents. I understand if it's an older child who may be getting an expensive game system or sports equipment. But what about a young child, like under 6? J

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So What Happened?

It does not matter to my son whether or not something is new. He is 3 and not 12. I am happy to not contribute to a wasteful, landfill driven culture. I am sure I will be spending much more in the years to come.

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answers from Chicago on

Sounds like you are doing everything right. We are spending less than $100 per kid. They have so much stuff already. What do they really need? So we are getting them the one thing they keep asking for and then practical stuff like shoes, pants, pj's... and socks.

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answers from Chicago on

I bought most of my kids toys secondhand. Why? Because I like to save money and because of landfill waste. I'm with you. My kids could careless. Toys are toys.

I probably spend about 100 each (they are 3.5 and 2). It's a lot (especially since I bought mostly used stuff!), but I only buy them toys and books at xmas and for bdays.

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answers from Albuquerque on

Last year we spent about $25 each on our twin 3.5 year olds. They got all sorts of other gifts from family, so I couldn't see spending more on things they simply didn't need. This year we'll spend about $60 each because there are items they've specifically asked for and I think would make good presents. In the future if they have more expensive things they want, I'm happy to spend the money - but love isn't measured in money, so I see no reason to "go nuts". I don't have a problem with control in other areas of my life; why would I in this one?

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answers from Washington DC on

I am with you on this one BP. Our DD is only 18 months and I figure she is not going to remember any of this. We figure she will get plenty from other family members so we are certainly not doing any diservice. I ahve been ont he prowl for second-hand/consignment items because I really think that is the better route than full price. Especially at such a young age! Kudos for not buying into the holiday spending spree....I figure if I can hold off as long as possible, I am going to!

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answers from Kansas City on

We usually target $100 per child. Usually, at least one of those is something needed (school sweatshirt, jeans, etc) and we try to be sure everyone has 5 things (or about the same amount of gifts) to open. When they were little, I could get by with MUCH less, but now with 16, 13, 13, 9 and 4....the older ones are harder to keep in that range.

I'm excited to see that most responses are similar in nature! I always thought we were the cheapskates :) All of their friends seem to get SO MUCH and much more expensive items. I feel better now :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

My son is 5 and has asked for specific things.. That he will probably get all of. Not from us but from all our extended family. My kids are the only grand kids and since we don't see our family we give his Christmas list to them and whatever is left(normally the not so exciting) things we get. Last year we ended up spending $40.. We bought him a guitar. So far it looks like this year is going to be around the same.

My daughter is 14 months, and has just about every toy, rockin horse, book age appropriate. So I have been having a really hard time coming up with ideas for her. I think all in all we will end up spending $35 on her.

From Dec 12th thru Jan 4th four different sets of grandparents will be coming for the holiday.. I'm more than positive my kids will want for nothing.

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answers from Phoenix on

I was wondering about this question too. I think that I will spend around $75 per kid (Two boys age 3.5 and 1.5) this year. Last year it was $20 (for the baby) and $75 for the 2 year old. I wasn't trying to spend any certain amount, but just get some things they would love to make it special. They don't get much from anyone other than one set of grandparents besides us, so it doesn't really get out of control- just fun.

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answers from New York on

I commend you on not wanting to give your child everything and spend a fortune that is not necessary. At this age they have no idea if the toy cost $1 or $50. Yes, I do beleive your in the minority, but that's a good thing.

I read that the average family spends $457 on gifts. Last year I spent almost $2,000 on my 2 girls alone (new instruments for band).

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answers from New York on

First of all - CASEY C. is a troll. Go away. We don't want you here. I really want to call you a few names (especially one that starts with a B) but I am going to be above it (this post only).

Second - I think that you are doing what is right for you. I agree that we spend way too much on kids for christmas and that your 3 year old has no idea about what is new or old. Be frugal this year - it's only going to get worse.

I go nuts and get out of control but actually bough some second hand DVDs - my 5 year old won't know or care!!

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answers from Tampa on

I have no clue and I truly don't keep track of it, but probably quite a bit. I start shopping about 6 months prior to Christmas and buy a little at a time. The usually get one big gift a piece and many smaller ones. This year, both kids are getting Nitendo DSi game systems with a bunch of games. They are also getting quite a few toys and movies as well. I buy stuff on sale and clearance. I don't buy excessively for them throughout the year, so I do try to go all out providing that I can afford it.


answers from Washington DC on

Ah! Wait until they get older. I imagine it will only get worse. And we are going WAY overboard this year, but it will be great! I don't even want to say how much we will end up spending, but we'll just say there are 4 digits before the cents.



answers from Los Angeles on

My son is 2.5 and he LOVES pixar cars toys. He has almost all of the characters and everytime we go to target, he scours the diecast cars for the racers he doesn't have (there's 3 that are never in any stores!). These diecast cars are usually $4-5 each but the ones he wants are only online it seems for around $12. We're going to get them for him and also get a big toy like a pit crew garage for him to play with his diecast cars on. Right now he uses a pop up book we have of noah's ark, making the cars sleep on the bed and eat at the table so I think he needs something more sturdy to do his imaginary playing. :) So probably at the end of the day, we'll spend $80-100. I just love Christmas and I know he will cherish these toys so I can't resist!



answers from New York on

My son is almost 3 and we're spending around 150$ on him. We spent the same amount last year.


answers from Jacksonville on

When they are small is it much easier to keep it low key. But yes, when they get older it is much more difficult. When they start getting to 7, 8, 9 and up... then, at least for me, I fall into that "what I would have liked to have had at that age" and also the "what I'd like to see them use and would be a 'good experience' for them" type things. Bikes, scooters, cameras, good Lincoln Logs sets, Legos, painting, robotics, microscopes, telescopes, etc etc etc....
PLUS, all the stuff you will end up buying for them anyway, so might as well put it under the tree (clothes, shoes, favorite licensed team sports wear, gear to go along with their sport --for my kids that means new karate uniforms, and kicking targets--etc). And of course, beyond age 8, 9, you are talking serious stuff: ipods, or other handhelds, or gaming consoles, or electric scooters, weapons (martial arts, again).
I don't think we are on the extreme high end, but we will probably spend in the neighborhood of $400 on each of our kids. That seems to have been our running average over the past couple of years.
ETA: our kids are 10 and 13


answers from Santa Fe on

Well when your child gets older they want more expensive things...unfortunately! I am going to spend about $60 on my 2 year old and $150 on my 7 year old. He is asking for a nintendo DS but he is not going to get one and we have talked to him a lot about it. I feel sad to disappoint him. They cost $165 and the games are $30-$50 each. I can't believe how many parents buy these things. Games should cost $10 or less - what a rip off. They are both going to get some very cool toys they really want so in the end I think they will both have a great xmas. They get gifts from all our family members too so I don't need to "go crazy". It's already crazy enough as it is!



answers from Boston on

I don't set a specific budget (although I definitely should!!!) for my kids, but I will probably spend around $100 each. My kids get presents from my parents and 1 or 2 other people, but most of their gifts come from me. My kids certainly don't need things, but I like seeing their excitement over getting new toys/clothes/books etc. I don't buy too many used things, but if your child doesn't know the difference, I see no problem with this! One year Santa actually gave a used toy kitchen that used to belong to an older cousin. The cousin knew enough not to say "hey, wasn't that mine?" and my daughter was none the wiser. She loved it and it was much cheaper for me! I usually go overboard in the sense that I buy enough and then find another gift I know my child would like even more.

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