My son is 4 1/2, and we're nowhere near ready to get rid of our stroller. In the last year or so, he came to appreciate the luxury of riding in a stroller vs. walking all the time. Plus, I'm so used to having the basket for my stuff, our cup holders, etc. when we're out and about. We have a Maclaren and LOVE it. Steers like a dream. A little pricey, but not too bad. We had a Contours Lite, which I also LOVED. It had all the bells and whistles, steered like a dream, etc. However, my son had well exceeded the weight limit on that stroller and was just busting at the seams, so we got the Maclaren, which has a high weight limit.
There are people out there that think older kids have no business in a stroller, but we love it. To each his own. If your daughter is happy walking, and you are happy that way, then go for it. But if you both want to continue using a stroller, I'd recommend either of the 2 I mentioned. They're both wonderful. Oh, and the Contours Lite is only like $60 or $70. The Maclaren's are a little more. The Combi's aren't bad either, lots of features, lightweight, steer well, but my son didn't fit in it well when we were shopping for our last stroller. But at 14 months, you'd still get a lot of use out of a Combi.