Unless you need to stop breastfeeding becasue of undue circumstances (you're away from your baby quite a lot), I'd reccomend breastfeeding for at least a year. Here's some reasons why:
1. Your baby will start transitioning to solid foods soon; because of that she will naturally start weaning herself. By one year old, your baby will most likely only be brestfeeding first thing in the morning and at night.
2. Once you stop breastfeeding you will not be passing on beneficial immunities to your baby and she will start getting sick, especially if she is in daycare. Personaly, my son ended up with several ear infactions in a row form 18 -24 months -- this correlated exactly with when I stopped breastfeeding him. I thought I was going to get fired from my job because I missed so much work due to him being sick.
3. IQ. The longer you breastfeed, the higher IQ your baby will have. Most studies indicate that a full year of breastfeeding = an average increase of 8 IQ points once she is grown.
4. Food Likes & Dislikes. Your breastmilk flavor changes every day because of what you eat. You are training your baby to enjoy all kinds of flavors. If you switch to formula you will be training your baby to like only one flavor. Studies have shown that breastfed babies eat wider varieties of foods as adults than do children who were bottle fed.
5. Possible lactose intolerance. If you stop breastfeeding now, before your baby is ready for whole milk (usually at about 1 year), you may find out she is allergic lactose when you switch to formula. If you find this out too late, then you will not be able to switch back to breastfeeding. It is quite costly to purchase the special formulas.
6. Breast milk is the best thing nutritionally for you baby. This also goes back to the IQ issue. Breastmilk is very fatty -- but it has the right kinds of fat your growing baby needs for growth. In particular, the fats in breastmilk aid the development of brain cells and the central nervous system. Formula makers keep trying, but they've never been able to replicate these types of fats.
7. Your health. Whenever your breastfeed, your body produces pitocin and other great hormones that are still aiding the healing process of your body from childbirth. It takes about a full year for your body to get back to normal and breastfeeding aid that.
Hope this helps!!!!
PS. I just read all the posts and saw that some people experienced what they felt to be harassment about stopping breastfeeeding and others said they had experienced harassment about not stopping. When I was breastfeeding I definitely "heard from" all kinds of people about what was right and what was not. But, my biggest source of great information was my pediatrician's office who had a full-time lactation consultant and midwife employeed there. She was able to give me many of the facts that I posted above. They helped me make the decision to begin weaning at 16 months (It took me about 2 months total so my son was completely done weaning at 18 months). Only you can decide what is right for you and your baby. Hopefully people aren't harassing you either way about it, it should be a very private decision. No judgement -- life is hard enough. Good Luck!