I feel for you....my 2 1/2 year old daughter has been paci free since December. Does your daughter lose her paci when she's playing? Mine did. Finally, I was ready for the paci fight....and every time she would lose it, I would throw it away. She was down to her last one, I told her she was and if she lost it there would be no more. She lost it. My husband and I told her we would go to WalMart and buy her a baby doll to sleep with. The first nap and bed time was a little rough...she whined for about 15 minutes wanting it. I just reminded her she had her new baby to sleep with. A week later she was no longer asking for it.
I read the post about poking holes in the paci...didn't work for us. As attached as she was to the paci, she'd suck on the paci even with the hole.
Good luck to you!