Hourly Childcare Facility

Updated on February 19, 2007
K.F. asks from Keller, TX
6 answers

I wanted to get some feedback on the hourly childcare facility Playtime. I signed my son up for it and wanted to see if other moms have used their service and liked it.

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answers from Seattle on

I've used it twice, once at the Beach St. location and once at the one on 1709 near Tom Thumb. I had a good experience at both places. I like that they do fun activities with the kids. Las time we went, my 3 yr old made a Valentine's craft and all the kids were dancing to a Wiggles tape led by two teachers when I got there to pick them up. My 3 y/o always loves it when I take her there....she has lots of fun!

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answers from Dallas on

I've used it once, my 6 year old son loved it, but my 4 year old daughter hated it. But she is pretty picky about everything. The staff were very friendly.

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answers from Dallas on

I use playtime all the time. My daughter is 5 and my son 3, they both love it, they don't ever want to leave when we pick them up, I do like the one on Beach better, the caregivers there seem to be extra nice and they don't seem to have much turnover. IT's always clean and their prices are very reasonable. They also have a variety of things to keep the kids busy including crafts and group games.

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answers from Dallas on

Hi K.,

I used it once to see if my little ones would like it. I pretty much take my children everywhere I go, so it wasn't a necessity.

My little ones are 6 and 4. When I went to pick them up, the 4 year old wanted to stay longer. So I took my 6 year old to school and left the 4 year old there for another hour. When I went back to pick him up, he was laying on a mat watching television. One of the workers said, "he's already gone." I said very casually, "no, he's here." She insisted that he left with his sister until I pointed to him on the mat. It was amusing to me, but a bit scary that she wasn't keeping track of the kids. There were only about 12 kids there.

I would only use their services again if I were in a very desperate situation.

I should add that I went to the one in Keller....not the one on Beach in Fort Worth.

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answers from Dallas on

When I working on Saturdays, I would take my 10 year old son there and I thought it was a great place, they had an area for the little kids as well as the big kids I think it is a great facility for short term use.


answers from Nashville on

I used them a good bit last year & found them to be a really great option. Good staff. Lots of activities. Reasonable food prices, should you need to use them. So handy for that last minute drop-in need. But can certainly get pricey with more than 1 kiddo. Only 2 of the staff members I remember were a little "dingy," but not in a manner that gave me concern. Most were very good & knew me & my kids well.

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