Hi! I wanted to say I think its normal after having kids to be extra emotional, I know I am :)
I did however recently discover a hormonal problem I am having called Poly cystic ovarian syndrom (PCOS) it has many other side effects though, severe mood swings being one, weight gain, acne, abnormal hair growth, irregular or painful periods, hard time getting pregnant, insomnia,head aches or migrains ect ect...
If you think you might have an issue go see your doc and ask about it, however if there's no other symptoms I wouldn't worry too much.
A good dose of meditation is great for the soul, you may need some time to yourself, I don't know how well it would help a hormonal problem but you never know. There are also natural alternatives for hormone problems too, so if that does turn out to be the problem I can help you in that area!
I wish you luck and pray that you're just a little more emotional than usual and don't have any health issue attached to it.
Keep us posted!