It can be so frustrating and embarrassing to deal with this. My son did much the same thing. He liked to throw things at people, too. So, for that, we taught him to only throw a soft, squishy ball. At least then, he would be truly playing, rather than something that could hurt someone, or make them think he was trying to be mean. As for hitting, if he started along that line, we taught him to high five. He gets to experience the sensation, without the mean intention. Biting, we just told him, we bite food, not people. Also, ge might be getting his one year molars, so you might want to see if it helps to treat his mouth for teething pain. We discovered that alot of why our son bit, was because it made his mouth feel a little better from the pain of cutting those teeth. Pinching can be an even trickier one, though. For that, we just had to keep on him, saying no, when ever he tried, and catching his hands before he could get to do it. This is tiring, but it's also easier to stop once you get him broken of the other bad habits. He'll grow out of it. It just takes time.